Dear studio Crytek, you have done huge work, having presented us one of the best shooters of the present, however, I as the fan of a series, wished to ask you - why game in which the monstrous potential is put is left so unfinished? Game, a cursor allows in one thousand times more possibilities - at least the same, promised by you in the first announcements of game "Improvisation in the conditions of total destruction". In game there is a metal deformation, there is a quite good physical model - but game as if "hesitates" to use all it to the full, being limited to plaster flying away in some places, and knock steams of boards from boxes. From my point of view it is simple blasphemy. Equally as in the same degree the large quantity of frankly irritating conventions is blasphemy - as you think, how many players dreamt to shoot down to hell the snipers, firing apartment dr. Gould? I think all! ^ "Invisible walls" - which in places simply throw out you from game atmosphere as if speaking - "It simply game, no more, the dude". Return, and accumulate experience of the first Crysis - make shelters destroyed, add more than dynamic objects - levels disposes to notorious improvisation, but they do not have not enough it, as air.
If you do not care about your project, not just the money - make such a gift for PC gamers - why not?
All the same, despite all the denial, I think D11 is a patch - where he go?^^