Help me, I svck at Crysis 2...

Post » Sat May 21, 2011 11:16 am


I just can't seem to get better, even after 33 ranks, I'm still totally bad. At first, until rank 20, I got around 1.9 k/d ratio, but now... 1.1 k/d and it's falling every match.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 5:31 pm

Don't be afraid to use cover. Stealth mode works best when things around you are less "liney", that is, don't stick to a wall made of wooden planks. Crouch into some foliage or other surroundings with an irregular texture. Also the nanovision can be fooled - stick close to, for example, a crashed pod, which gives off heat, and you're invisible. Only not.
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 9:15 pm

Use Nano Recharge/Energy Transfer with Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance. It turns bad players into great players just like that. Run around in Cloak, when you spot someone go into Armor mode, kill them then recloak. Rinse and repeat endlessly for at least a 2 KDR every single game.
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.X chantelle .x Smith
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 7:22 am

They just nerfed nano and mobility, so that may change. Look - your either a FPS player or someone who gets shot by an FPS player. Enjoy the graphics, movement, and the chance to win a gun fight now and again. Let go of the KD - it is freeing.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 7:06 pm

Well, I seem to get it right by now... My problem was, I used another weapon then the SCAR. xD

Anyway, I'm using Air Stomp, Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance. ... Dude, I had the same thought when I began playing. It's frightening, how a game can change you. I was also better, when I didn't care...
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meg knight
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 8:01 am

Well, I seem to get it right by now... My problem was, I used another weapon then the SCAR. xD

Anyway, I'm using Air Stomp, Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance. ... Dude, I had the same thought when I began playing. It's frightening, how a game can change you. I was also better, when I didn't care...

There's to much with connection and lag to go nuts over KD. I mean I see plenty of 1 bars going 15-3, etc so that's a poor excuse. I just mean that some people, usually those who buy FPS are naturally better and don't require much time to pick up a new game. I was bad at WAW, Reach, and any other - but I enjoy trying, and will continue to buy them although I will never be proficient at it. I was a KD of 0.62 at one time and have gained a little in the past week, but it's all good.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 5:22 pm

- Use stealth only when you have to, when you run between covers.
- When entering a combat with another player (enemy), always (try to) turn armor mode on (at least to be prettier when glowing).
- Experiment with crouching and jumping when in combat. With less skilled enemies you can crouch to be harder to hit and have more stable weapon (as they say "the strongest poison comes in the smallest bottles"), and with more skilled ones try jumping around (like you're on speed).
- When your enemy starts shooting at you, always strafe left-right (like dancing). (and jump/crouch like recommended before)
- When entering areas where you have difficulties to spot cloaked enemies (or larger areas), use nano-vision.
- Use your suit energy wisely, don't let it drops bellow half. When you have low energy, you're doing your enemy a favor because you're easier to kill. Use covers to fill your energy up.
- If your enemy runs in cover and you're low on energy, trow him a grenade (he can start singing that song by Bruno Mars, "I would catch a grenaaaaade for youuuuu" lol)
I hope it helps.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 3:20 pm

you are not alone
i have great k/ds in other games like cod
but crysis just lowers my self esteem
my k/d is .9 or something crappy
and my cod k/d is 2.4
just need to get used to it
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 11:51 am

Looks like I found my Playstyle. Direct and and selfless.


I have:

SCAR with Dig. Camo and Holo
M12 Nova

Air Stomp
Stealth Enhance
Mobility Enhance

It's DAMN ownage!
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