No Servers in the United States?

Post » Sun May 22, 2011 8:10 pm

Hey Guys, been having a bit of an issue that happened after the last patch. I can't seem to find any servers in the U.S. This seemed to occur after the patch. However, I did not play right after the patch went live so I cannot be sure that this is a direct result of it. Almost all servers that pop up are in the UK in which I get at minimum a 200 ping. As you could imagine this makes games (Almost) unplayable. What I was wondering is 1. Is anyone else having this issue? and 2. Can someone give me a list of ports to open? (I know this is most likely not the issue at all but it doesn't really hurt..)

Thanks to whoever can help,
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 2:09 pm

Maybe you've accidentally set your region filter (assuming that still exists)?

Edit: Or (assuming the option exists) if you tried to enter in a max ping filter and put it in the minimum ping box (again, assuming these are even options)?
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 1:43 pm

Well it appears i'm still at version 1.1 :P

Well I didn't know that was possible. I thought it was an auto download...
I'll try to download the patch and check back with results.

EDIT: YAWP. That was the problem guess it didn't auto download like I thought.

If anyone else is having a similar issue get your Crysis 2 disc and run it. It should run a patch install. Hope this helps :P
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