I like many gamers enjoy having my stats neat and tidy and using specific items ingame, weapons, attachments etc. So I used only four items and gained only four levels. I used the SCAR, Hologram attachment that came with it, Melee and hand grenades. That was it. I logged off and came back a couple of hours later to find that my stats had been scrambled, unlock points had been used (even though I did not unlock anything myself) like the Jackal was randomly unlocked and the holographic sight even though I had 0 kills with it?
My kills had been cut more than half and my deaths had been more than doubled, either someone hacked me or this is just rediculous that the game is doing this. Not only that the complaint form thing doesn't even work so I have to post it directly on the forums! Also since this has happened while I've been 'waiting' for the Crytek team to say ANYTHING to me, I decided to put up with it until I hear from them and I've encountered the invalid serial key error and then after rebooting not get it, random checkpoints in singleplayer, after coming back after completed a bit the first time I played I came back to it being further ingame how far I don't know.
The list goes on and never ends it seems, not to mention the hackers online. I hope that someone from Crytek will get back to me soon about this problem whether it be through the forums or through email or PM whatever just help me someone I'm either going to have to go back to Wal mart about it or just simply take it up with Crytek, I didn't pay sixty dollars for a hastle I'm sure I can get that for free somewhere else.