Stats and/or kills rollback

Post » Sun May 22, 2011 12:38 pm

Hello, all.

I'm not really sure where to post this but here goes.

I'm a rank 48 and I'm trying to level up all my modules and gun attachments. So far I'm stuck with Nano Recharge and Blind Spot as the former needs 1500 full-health regens, and the later about 350 kills WHILE the enemy's Maximum Radar is up.

I noticed that after the patch, the kills I had with the modules keeps disappearing after logging out. I remember playing last night with 149 kills on my Blind Spot and when I relogged a few minutes ago, it's back to 107. Mind you that those 42 kills are very hard to obtain. I think I already leveled 2 modules on power, and I was still stuck at Blind Spot.

Is there any hotfix for this? Or should I wait for another patch before leveling up my mods/guns?
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 8:14 pm

How is your rank and XP? Is this staying where it should be, or is it falling back to some earlier level?
I've got this "feature."
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 6:50 pm

I haven't noticed about the XP drop, but there's no level drop as far as I know.

If someone could reply to my question weather there is a hotfix or should I just wait for a patch, I'd greatly appreciate it.

This game is pretty good, really fun just needs a lot, lot more patches and polishing up.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:28 pm

My Retrieve module will not save. The others do. I got to 327/500 in one sitting. The next day it was back to 0/200. I've tryed to level it many times and every time i close crysis it goes back to 0. and yes I only play ranked.
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