"Hey, I bought the limited edition of crysis 2 yesterday, got it installed all fine played some single player after creating a gamesas account, then I went online, unlocked my stuff, and before I go further, I will say that when I play any game, CoD, Bad Company 1 and 2, anything, I sit down and select what I will use and how I will play. That being said when I played online crysis 2 I used ONLY the SCAR and the hologram attachment, I used hand granades and melee. I got to level 9 after already being level 5 from the limited edition. Turn off the pc for a couple of hours came back turned it on got on crysis 2 and went online to have a game and everything was gone to hell, it was saying I had stuff unlocked, and used the unlocked stuff, which is annoying because I like having clean stats which is why I only used a few things. It's not a big deal I know but still, it's a problem. Is there a way I could reset my stats or something? I also lost a lot of stats like grenade and melee kills and especially SCAR kills and my kill death ratio. Which makes me look like a bad player. It was over 1.30 now it's less that .60 I didn't pay sixty dollars to be screwed around like this what's the point of competetive gaming if the bugs decide what you have and don't have? So I'd like to hear back about a reset or something. Thanks guys, PiSy."
Why has EA been, well you know, the bed on everything with us lately? We're not all little kids like the Call of Duty community. Any help would be great, thanks. PiSy.