about 80% - 90% of the time I'm a Marine, and I just don't like it, becuase on the very rare chance that I am C.E.L.L it confuses the hell out of me, becuase I'm used to shooting C.E.L.L, pluss the Marine Nanosuit looks daft, I much prefure the C.E.L.L Nanosuit.
Anouther thing, when I'm playing with friends online there is half a chance they'll be on my team (even if i have added them to my squad befor hand).
I just want to be able to pick my team, play as C.E.L.L, or atleast have a choice. Why can't there be an option to pick a side?
I played on one server the other day, must have been a custom server, but at the beginning of the match i was able to pick what side I'd be playing for, i was really pleased to see this, but i have never seen it again... why not? this needs to beocme standard!
Rant over :L