SPOILERS Crysis 2 story questions. I'm wicked confused

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:51 am

What's with thee aliens in Crysis 1 being completely different from the Ceph in Crysis 2. They don't even resemble each other.

I found that the most troubling. I feel like Crysis 2 is a completely different game and story line. Not a continuation. Soo many unanswered questions, that seem will never get answered now that Crysis 2 has messed up the story so much.

Like I want to know how profit made it out of the nuke alive and ended up in NYC. Makes no sense in the world. Why are the Ceph not the aliens we fought in Crysis 1?
Why is the nano-suit now some living thing that absorbs it's occupant? In Crysis 1 it was simply a suit. Nothing more.
Why didn't the Ceph freeze ray NYC like the aliens in Crysis 1 did.
Where did the whole alien virus thing come from? Why didn't the Koreans in Crysis 1 come down with the virus?

How does prophet get infected with the virus if he's soo badass enough that he can survive being kidnapped by the aliens, steal their weaponry, break out, kill a **** load aliens, then fly head on into a nuclear explosion, survive that, then fight his way through the resulting ginormous alien offensive, and then somehow make it to NYC and start killing aliens there? The guy's freaking indestructible. There ain't a chance in the world he could have been infected by aliens and then commit suicide. Idk what Crytek was thinking.

Perhaps there's things I missed in Crysis 2 explaining at least some of these questions. Any help?
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:43 am

Crysis 2 is a reboot of the series. Do a google search and you will not only find articles where this is said, but videos of Yerli saying it himself. Basically, it gave them an excuse to rewrite anything from the first game they didn't like or think worked well.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:44 am

Prophet survived the nuke because he's Prophet ;)
He probably punched the explosion away, or the sphere absorbed most of the destructive power.

Different aliens: The aliens are the same, but they just wear different suits. In Crysis 1 they were defeated by practically one nanosuit 1, and the smaller aliens self-destructed when nearby, due to electronic warfare from modifications to Nomad's suit.
Either that, or they're a different "country" of aliens.

In Crysis 1 the suit may grow into or change the user, as hinted by Hargreave. It's the scene where Prophet slammed his fist down and said "You lied to us!" Also, Crynet had "perfected the suit" with the N1, and with the N2 they wanted to "perfect the soldier". I mean, Alcatraz would be dead hundreds of times over if the suit didn't grow into him and fill the gaps. So... It's the best cause scenario for him?

The Ceph didn't freeze NYC because they had the spore. That, and the Ceph are different. And because freezing didn't really work first time round. And their freeze-system thing which you saw in the Core was huge. And because it can be detected ages before the icy sphere actually forms (Morrison's satellite readings where he thought the KPA were testing nukes)

The alien virus was for the civilians. Aliens can make one if they want. There was no spore in Crysis 1 because the Ceph are different, blah blah blah, and it probably won't be able to spread in an icy sphere which kills all biological things.

Prophet became infected because Hargreave wanted him to be, in order to find out what the suit would do, and to further his research on reverse-engineering it to make the vaccine. Which wiped out the NYC Ceph at the end of Crysis 2.

It's said in Crysis: Legion that the alien spore is designed to kill all things which can be a threat to the Ceph. People, bacteria, viruses, etc. The whole point of the Spore is to make the area inhabitable, and not cause a War of the Worlds (movie) anticlimix where the aliens die from a common cold :/
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:18 am

what i want to know is how prophet got the nanosuit 2 and why the cell didn't use their nanosuits in the singleplayer ,it would have meant some great battles
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:08 am

Here's a pretty good post from another forum about the differences in the aliens from Crysis 1 and 2:

The Lingshan aliens seemed to be explorers.

The Ceph on New York are actual conquistadors, seeing as they have superior technology (those exoskeletons are hellishly tough) better weapons (the bioweapon), and act a whole lot more tactically than the Lingshan Ceph who floated around and shot at you a bunch with their freeze-guns.

And most importantly... yeah. That bioweapon.

In C1 their heavy infantry unit had the durability of a tank.
The large, armored vehicle sized Scout, yes, which had the durability of an APC and the firepower of 2 Norks armed with AK-74s. Versus the Devastator, which is much more compact, has comparable durability, and much heavier weaponry, with a rapid-fire weapon and a heavy explosive system. And doesn't have the EMP vulnerable hover movement system that the Lingshan ones did.

More importantly there are some significant weapons upgrades in Crysis 2 presumably due to the expected foes. The standard rifle uses APDS ammunition, the JAW is much larger, the K-Volt, so on and so forth.

Their handhekd MOAR could turn a main battle tank into a useless heap of ice in seconds.
The handheld MOAR which Prophet "salvaged", which was almost certainly an example of nanosuit-adapted Ceph tech and therefore largely an unknown in terms of how well it worked. More importantly this was entirely done on soldiers not hardened against whatever the Ceph anti-entropy weapon was, whereas the Ceph bioweapon works just fine. The New York Cell ops knew exactly what they were facing.

The Hunter type walkerss were almost invulnerable to non nuclear weapons.
They were also massive, slow, and easily taken down by multiple extremely small rockets... as compared to the Ceph gunships, which have comparable firepower, but are extremely agile flyers and take multiple very large rockets to kill. The Crysis LAW had 3 rockets in a tube the size of the Crysis 2 JAW. You need as many JAW rockets to take down a gunship as you needed LAW rockets to take down a Hunter.

The warrior type gunships even more tougher - capable of destroying entire carrier battlegroups by itself.
One military vessel, which was only capable of doing so if humanity didn't hit on its obvious and exceedingly vulnerable Achilles' Heel, that being shields which could easily be externally deactivated. No **** the New York Ceph don't have that, seeing that it's a vulnerable white elephant that can't tank the attention it attracts.

Nothing in the C2 beta even remotely compares to the terrifying power that C1 aliens brought.
And by "terrifying power" you mean "lots of gimmicks useful for explorers or scouts, which were easily disabled by the EMP weaponry Cell deployed in droves" right? If Nomad had a K-Volt, Crysis 1's alien sections would have been over in literally one hour. Shoot something once, it loses shield power and dies from a handful of bullets.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:19 am

Also the end of the game is very confusing you become semi dead and prophet is semi dead too.Then you wake up as Prophet but what happens to Alcatraz?Also what happened to Nomad an Phyco?I think we will see it when we play crysis 3.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:53 pm

Can't remember were i read it but the ceph altered themselves biologically and gave an overhaul of their equipment to better combat humans. and apparently prophets personality is stored inside the suit so Alcatraz is still there he just calls himself prophet now.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:36 am

The general consensus is - if you want to understand the myriad plot-holes and inconsistencies in Crysis 2, you have to read a book written by the same guy who wrote the script for Crysis 2. I forget what it's called and I'm too lazy right now to google it, but the author's name is Richard Morgan and he's a twat.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:29 pm

For anyone who feels like buying this cash-grab of a book it's called Crysis: Legion and it's by Peter Watts


And I'm glad to see that the forum has reverted back to it's old self and is now making people have to submit->hit back button->refresh->submit for 3 or 4 times before it will actually post anything......
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:38 am

You are right. We can easily suppose that a superior race like the CEPH has tech enough to modify themselves in a few generations (there is a 3 year gap between the two games).

Prophet broke the link with the suit, but he was embedded to the suit (see the post-human warrior quote from Hargreave). Now alcatraz (the wearer) and Prophet (the suit) act as one.
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