I found that the most troubling. I feel like Crysis 2 is a completely different game and story line. Not a continuation. Soo many unanswered questions, that seem will never get answered now that Crysis 2 has messed up the story so much.
Like I want to know how profit made it out of the nuke alive and ended up in NYC. Makes no sense in the world. Why are the Ceph not the aliens we fought in Crysis 1?
Why is the nano-suit now some living thing that absorbs it's occupant? In Crysis 1 it was simply a suit. Nothing more.
Why didn't the Ceph freeze ray NYC like the aliens in Crysis 1 did.
Where did the whole alien virus thing come from? Why didn't the Koreans in Crysis 1 come down with the virus?
How does prophet get infected with the virus if he's soo badass enough that he can survive being kidnapped by the aliens, steal their weaponry, break out, kill a **** load aliens, then fly head on into a nuclear explosion, survive that, then fight his way through the resulting ginormous alien offensive, and then somehow make it to NYC and start killing aliens there? The guy's freaking indestructible. There ain't a chance in the world he could have been infected by aliens and then commit suicide. Idk what Crytek was thinking.
Perhaps there's things I missed in Crysis 2 explaining at least some of these questions. Any help?