I only play games for the quality of the game. I've played every shooter that has been released since CS 1.5. CS series, CoD series, Battlefield series, Medal of Honor, Global Agenda, Far Cry, Crysis, Doom 3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, Fear, Halo series, and I'm sure I could find a few more.
From what I've seen in Crysis...
1. It has balanced weaponry, meaning every time I choose a gun. I know it has its own purpose and its own feel. So I know that I'll be playing the same game differently. Not game changing different because that's not important.
2. It has balanced perks that are rewarded based on your own playing ability. Most of which reward you in a way that you don't have to go out of your way to do something ridiculous. Making it a balanced way of progressing yourself in the game.
3. The leaderboards are all straight forward. They all have a purpose and will only get better as hackers get banned. They have lots of weighted stats to let you view how you change. The only possible request I could think of asking for is a graph to view your progression of K/D and other stats through the levels.
4. Leveling up is actually based on your OWN ability, finally. Instead of being based on 50% participation like most games. If you do nothing, you get nothing. Meaning there is an objective to focus on even in TIA.
5. Speaking of objectives. All the game modes are balanced and cannot be exploited. They each force you to work together to an objective. All of which can be done in several ways. If it's stalling the foolish opponents while some of your team caps the site. Or if it's setting up a decent defense plan for your ticks while being able to form a strategy during the next round to counteract theirs. So many ways to play the game...
6. All of the maps are supportive and playable on almost any P.C. Letting more and more players into the game. They have balanced spawns and almost always put you in a position you will be able to take the offense or defense.
These are what pop in my mind and stand out. The reason they do is because they are ALL points that are required of a competitive gaming environment. Where you can see who's better and see who's going to win. Not having a doubt in your mind that you can blame some stupid gimmick in the game. All skill. I could spend hours pointing out every flaw in other shooters to compare them to. But I expect you to have at least some knowledge. If not, then that's the whole reason we disagree.
So continue to misunderstand and whine until you have no more tears left. I'll enjoy the game because it is great and because I understand how it's great. I also understand what's wrong. But I'm not a foolish idiot and realize that none of the issues affect the game greatly. It looks great even without DX11. I can't wait until it's released and it only gets better.
I really didn't buy this game for the multiplayer, I did it for the SP. I expected a continuation of the first Crysis, I wanted to see how they would end it. I expected it to be same or better than Crysis 1, in graphics and game play, Crytek raised the bar. Crytek hyped it up to be as such they lied to the PC gaming community and you are blind if you don't see that. They kept saying it was going to be a PC game first, yet the whole game reeks of being a console port, hell it was even admitted they built it around the lowest platform(http://www.nowgamer.com/features/637/crysis-2-cevat-yerli-qa?o=1#listing) I just wish I knew about this before buying the game.
This game isn't the most horrendous game in existence. It just isn't $60 worthy and it's an insult to the computer gaming community.
I can understand you forcing yourself to enjoy the game as you probably forked over $60 bucks for it. The game just isn't that great. I beat it in 7 hours of casual playing over about two weeks on veteran, that included what little exploring I could do.
Many of those games you mentioned are far better then Crysis 2 and they are OLDER games. Quality just doesn't mean much anymore sadly with developers.
They promised and didn't deliver, like any other company the are to be held accountable. They put the noose around their own neck, they should answer for their mistakes. Everyone else has to answer for theirs, they are no different. They are rightfully getting their feet held to the fire.
You can be an apologist all you want, it doesn't change the facts.
I think what qbert is getting at, was they said this game was PC first (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108709-Crysis-2-Is-a-PC-Game-First-Console-Game-Second-Claims-Crytek) however it obviously was made for the console first then ported over. Had it been a true PC first game, it would have said "Press Enter". They created this game around and for the Xbox360 then ported it over to PC. Thusly it is NOT a PC first game.