» Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:14 am
but I DO care about when I get lied to about a product (aka 'scammed').
You're telling me even Nvidia didn't know?? Or they did but lied anyways to help your sales? What's the deal here?They didn't know. If there is someone in the world that suffers the most from Crysis 2 not having DX11, it is NVIDIA & ATI. ATI is usually quiet due to its lack of budget to promote DX11 developing and has let NVIDIA deal with it alone.
What has been the case now is that either NVIDIA considered that DX11 would surely be in Crysis 2, judging from Cryisis 1, or, as someone else hinted, it paid $2,000,000 to EA in order to assure DX11 and of course use it for its own marketing. Right now, it is possible that EA/Crytek are trying to get more money from NVIDIA. The adsence of an official announcement about WTF is going on with the DX11, makes me suspecious about this.