Crysis 1 on PSN

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:59 am

By the time they'd figured out a way to do it, it wouldn't be the same game anymore. Kinda like BF3 will be on consoles.

Part from textures and resolution - oh and smaller number of people on same maps = No difference
And the lighting was designed way before frostbite 2 for PS3 and PC.
Just look at bad company 2 = apart from framerate n textures - No gameplay difference
You're so wrong. Especially when you mention BC2. If you saw that game on PC (not youtube, on an actual PC monitor) you wouldn't even recognise it. It has more players and the visuals are spectacularly better.

You're also failing to consider that BC2 was made with consoles in mind, and so was built this way from the ground up. Crysis was NOT made with consoles in mind, and could not simply have less people on the map to fix the problems.

As I said, by the time they changed it, it wouldn't be the same game. It'd either look like **** or be tiny like Crysis 2.

Crysis 1 wouls be easy to do and not that time consuming - probably be done and hacked by end of summer anyway - If cryengine3 was optimised for console and stream data like kz3 then it wouldnt be a problem.
I say its easy cos all the data is there - so the bulk of work would be tweaks and testing - oh i guess thayll leave that up to us to bug and report on.
Maybe its definately a possiblitly that they would release an unfinished version of crysis 1 on cryengine 3 because of this lol
KZ3 was made for console, is optimised for PS3 and has none of the physics of Crysis 2.

Like I said, it wouldn't be the same game. That doesn't mean it won't happen, it just means you'll only get a fraction of the experience..
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:05 pm

This is a good idea and would help Crytek get even more publicity. Crysis and Crysis Warhead for XBL and PSN is not a bad idea at all.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:38 am

console got PC game and ruined it and than console wanna be PC?! hahaha
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:23 am

and the same game runs on the PS3 wich only has 256MB

too bad the console version looks like dike compared to the pc version
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:24 am

The day Crysis 1 gets on the consoles is the day I die. This is ours. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT.

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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:43 pm

I think that would be great, that Crytek made a new version of the Crysis, adapted to the new storyline, for consoles and PC. Maybe for the next generation, because for this generation would be imposible (or that's what I think). But... it would be awesome!!!!! :)
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:45 pm

Well...PSN has to be up first.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:33 am

I think that would be great, that Crytek made a new version of the Crysis, adapted to the new storyline, for consoles and PC. Maybe for the next generation, because for this generation would be imposible (or that's what I think). But... it would be awesome!!!!! :)

Adapted to the new storyline?
They could hardly release it as Crysis if they changed the story of Crysis. They'd be better off making a bridge title if you want there to be some link between 1&2; despite the fact the guy who wrote the story had no intention of leading off from Crysis 1.

A story bridge would be cool, but at some point you'd have to use the N1 if that were the case.. I wonder how they'd make that work on consoles...
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:52 am

Yep its call Prophets Journey. As for console radial design options have been used before and implemented with ease. Anyway if Crytek wont do it, me or someone else will when Sandbox3 lands- crysis or the bridge story.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:44 pm

Yep its call Prophets Journey. As for console radial design options have been used before and implemented with ease. Anyway if Crytek wont do it, me or someone else will when Sandbox3 lands- crysis or the bridge story.

I have no doubt a radial menu could be fitted to a gamepad, that's not the issue. The issue is that they wouldn't be able to use it as fast as a mouse, so they wouldn't be able to change on the fly during a fight, and get the full experience.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:54 am

Both PS3 and xbox would be able to handle just the raw graphics and physics using the Cryengine 3, but there's also some other things to consider:

As most have pointed out, Both Xbox and PS3 have a total of 512 MB of DDR2 RAM. Random Access Memory (And particularly the PS3's) works to store all of the object and texture data so it can be quickly loaded at any time it is needed. Because of the relatively low quantity that is present inside the consoles, textures (Especially in the distance) would have to be downscaled. Also, the use of short draw distances would have to be used to compensate for low RAM amouts. This is unfortunate, as Crysis relied on high draw distances in order to give you that true sense of detailed scale of the jungles around you. A possible workaround for this would be the use of sprites (2-D placeholders for distant objects), but that would make it look pretty damn awful even from large distances.

Probably the biggest thing to consider though, is this: the complexity of the shadows. In both CryEngine 3 and 2, every single damn object, (even the Parallax Occlusion mapped textures in Crysis 1) cast a shadow. Now I haven't really looked into this, but from just using an educated guess, I assume that the complexity of the dynamic shadows in a scene has massive impacts on performance. Crysis 2 consists largely of simple shadows cast by buildings and small objects. In Crysis 1, every single freakin' plant (even down to the grass, if you wanted) casts its own shadow. Jungles in that game span massive distances, and in some levels such as Relic, for several Kilometers. That's a LOT of dynamic shadows, and every single one of em within a large radius has to compute in real-time. Obviously, again, there's workarounds (Such as having Assassin's Creed Style Shadow pop-in, but that's not how Crysis should be experienced, right? =P)

Cool idea, but it seems to me that they would have to change some pretty critical things that could harm the overall experience of the game. =/
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:46 pm

Consoles just couldn't handle it.

On another forum I visited, a guy compared a closeup of Crysis to one of a screenshot from Uncharted 3 (a good looking game). There was more texture detail on one arm of a character from Crysis than there was in the whole character of Uncharted 3.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:03 am

You keep on talking like about PC like a fixed piece of hardware. Ive played crysis on pc on LOTS of different rigs - from low end to high end. So not everyone had this experience you go on about sheesh. Even now a lot of peolple rigs cannot play crysis 1 at FULL with super HD and textures. An overall look and experience is the thing. Pretty graphics dont make the game GAMEPLAY does
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:09 pm

And witha bit of work and official software.......

It would still have a piss poor draw distance. That map is stripped of so many things and objects are still popping up at 20 meters.

Why does this thread keep coming up? It cant and wont happen. Consoles can barely run Crysis 2.. minimum settings and still only pumping out 30 frames per second in small static environments.
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The Time Car
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:48 am

so they'd have to reprogram the engine and stuff to play a game that probably won't sell well cause of crysis' 2 mp problems?
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:43 am

You keep on talking like about PC like a fixed piece of hardware. Ive played crysis on pc on LOTS of different rigs - from low end to high end. So not everyone had this experience you go on about sheesh. Even now a lot of peolple rigs cannot play crysis 1 at FULL with super HD and textures. An overall look and experience is the thing. Pretty graphics dont make the game GAMEPLAY does

Not everyone has the best graphical experience, but (almost) every owner of a gaming PC is capable of having it with minor upgrades.

and where did I say pretty graphics make a game? I was referring mostly to the open environments - which could not be done on consoles.

The comment above about comparisons between Uncharted and Crysis was anecdotal at best, and was not used to support any argument.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:59 pm

1. Crysis 2 has much better graphics than crysis 1 even though the area you play in is so much smaller.

2. Games such as "Just cause, Far cry 2, and countless others all have huge playing fields or maps but the PS3 has no problem running those, with the same and\or even better graphic quality than the PC version.

1. Crysis 1 has MUCH MUCH better graphics then **** crysis 2.

games such as "just cause" have fake jpeg pictures in the background, so you think u see alot when all ur seeing is a picture. and the pc version has much better graphics then the console one, i guess you've never played crysis1/war/ or any other game on a gaming pc, console isnt even close to the graphics of pc
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keri seymour
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:58 am

By the time they'd figured out a way to do it, it wouldn't be the same game anymore. Kinda like BF3 will be on consoles.

Part from textures and resolution - oh and smaller number of people on same maps = No difference
And the lighting was designed way before frostbite 2 for PS3 and PC.
Just look at bad company 2 = apart from framerate n textures - No gameplay difference

Crysis 1 wouls be easy to do and not that time consuming - probably be done and hacked by end of summer anyway - If cryengine3 was optimised for console and stream data like kz3 then it wouldnt be a problem.
I say its easy cos all the data is there - so the bulk of work would be tweaks and testing - oh i guess thayll leave that up to us to bug and report on.
Maybe its definately a possiblitly that they would release an unfinished version of crysis 1 on cryengine 3 because of this lol

no gameplay difference? thats why consoles have auto aim derp
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