Hahaha just kidding. But seriously I came over from the BC2 forums, and there everyday there was a new thread on a new gun being OP. It used to be limited to the M60 and the AN94, but eventually over the course of every week, out of the over 50+ guns in that game, there has been a thread made at one point during any given week about how that particular gun is OP. If all the guns are OP though, aren't all of them balanced?
Anyway, just was wondering what builds/weapons/perks people think are overpowered and why...because as far as I can see this game seems incredibly balanced. Three suit modes, (well really two), and cloaking counters armor while armor counters cloaking. Sneak up on a heavily armored guy from behind and thwomp him, or notice a gaseous entity moving and pop armor up to blow the "thought-he-was-hidden" cloaker away.