» Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:05 am
In real life soldiers are taught to fire through the barrel line or sights at all times, with the back of the gun supported against your shoulder. Also, soldiers are taught to almost never use rapid fire. It's very hard to hit anything if you rapid fire from the hip. On the other hand, in C2 you can't even fire from the hip as you're always in high ready stance.
The thing about real life is, this is a video game, not real life. No development studio will make a game in which the gun-play is -truly- lifelike because that game would be so far removed from modern competitive online FPS that it would probably have no market.
When Killzone 2 came out, the playerbase had a collective hissy-fit because the guns had a slightly "weighty" feel to them (which was replicated by a lower sensitivity and no option to crank it up CoD style). They had to release an update to make the game -less- realistic because their community demanded it.
If a dev. studio can't even get away with making their guns feel heavier, how are you going to expect a game that replicates real life hipfire accuracy? And even real life ADS accuracy, which is, as you mentioned, nothing like video game ADS.