Nanosuit Soldier vs Spartan Supersoldier from Halo

Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:53 pm

I think the Spartans are all bark, and no bite. Just like the real Spartans of Greece, while they got themselfs killed [looked awesome while doing it] the Athens people where smart, and used there brain. in the long run Athens were better.

Lol GTFO. The greek spartans DID use tactics. They were considered the best soldiers in Greece.

They lost to Athens eventually, but that was largely down to poor decisions by their King IIRC, not their general lack of tactics or skill (the Phalanx tactic was common in ancient Greece, and the Spartans were **** good at it).
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:00 am

the n2 does protect you from hazards but apparantly so can a spartan's armor cause in reach you can get gear with a rebreater?
Spartan Armor already has a built-in rebreather. Which is why Spartans can survive in space for 90 minutes without any air tanks.

although wouldn't the metal armor get damaged from chemicals?
No. The armor is made from ship-grade Titanium A, built to withstand degradation from almost any chemical, excluding superheated plasma.

how would a man covered in an exoskeleton and heavy tank armor be able to swim?
See, that's a matter of bouyancy.
Their suits are heavy, but they're still buoyant. Which is why Blue Team was able to swim underwater.

are you saying that special forces(nomad) have no skills? n2 gives drugs to subside unnecessary feelings that would hurt your performance
Nomad isn't as skilled as a Spartan. Spartans were:

A) Kidnapped when they were 6 years old, and forced to undergo rigorous training exercises everyday for 6 years. A squadron of 12-year old Spartans took on an entire military base full of soldiers using live ammunition...and the Spartans won. Several times.

B) They were then physically augmented to have increased bone density so they could lift twice their body weight and run at over 35 mph, have virtually unbreakable bones, boost their metabolic growth, have practically unhindered night vision, and increase their reflexes by 300%. After augmentations, Spartans have been shown to effortlessly take out a squadron of soldiers equipped with heavily armored exo-suits. A single Spartan was attacked by 4 Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, the Halo equivalent of Special Forces operatives, and he killed two of them and crippled the other two without getting hurt.

No contest, Spartans have been much better trained than a mere Special Forces soldier.[/quote]

yeah i'm guessing its just spartan 2 armor since in reach you have to purchase one with a scrubber
titanium is resistant to acids but not all and not completely
so like how would they be buoyant? i just don't see it considering that they are meant to weigh a lot but they sink in game although it the halo 3 intro you see john assisting himself by pulling on that cigar somking fella who doesn't even move, so that says that it doesn't really weigh anything
you can't really say considering you are not in the special forces
most things they train you are sorta useless since it depends on you, training can't prepare for everything thats why you have to adapt and survive(crysis1 ftw!)
if all they had was bone reinforcment then it won't make em stronger, just the structure, night vision lol not ingame
so why would a spartan attack friendlies? seems sorta bad? it all depends on ur position during the attack and your armament,
you don't know what they go through and all raptor team would of had experience in both combat
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:42 pm

yeah i'm guessing its just spartan 2 armor since in reach you have to purchase one with a scrubber
No, the ones in Reach are Spartans III's, which are just cheaper versions of Spartan II's. Plus multiplayer customization isn't really cannon. Otherwise every Spartan would be using Hayabusa armor.

titanium is resistant to acids but not all and not completely
It's completely resistant to all known acids. Unless the Nanosuit can quickly synthesize some sort of new alien molecular acid that goes against all laws of chemistry and science, then there's no way to use chemical warfare on a Spartan.

so like how would they be buoyant? i just don't see it considering that they are meant to weigh a lot
Cruise chips weight hundred of tons. You don't see them sinking, right? Same concept. The armor is heavy, but not dense. Plus Spartans have been known to swim in Ghosts of Onyx.

you can't really say considering you are not in the special forces
I know enough about special forces to say that special forces soldiers aren't drafted and trained for over 6 years when they were kids, nor did they undergo physical augmentations.

most things they train you are sorta useless since it depends on you, training can't prepare for everything thats why you have to adapt and survive(crysis1 ftw!)
That's what Spartans were trained to do: adapt and survive. 60 Spartans were dropped and scattered in an arctic wasteland with no supplies no means of contacting home base. All each Spartan had was a piece of scrap paper that's supposed to function as part of a map of the surrounding area. Now THAT's adapting and surviving.

if all they had was bone reinforcment then it won't make em stronger, just the structure
That's why they have muscle enhancements to increase tissue density and reduce the onset of lactic acid exhaustion.

so why would a spartan attack friendlies? seems sorta bad?
They weren't "attacking" friendlies. The soldiers they fought volunteered to be "enemies". And the Spartans weren't really attacking them; the training mission was to steal a flag from the middle of the base. I probably should have mentioned that earlier.

it all depends on ur position during the attack and your armament,
They were only armed with short-range tranq pistols and flash grenades. The soldiers they were up against were equipped with live ammunition and chain guns.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:46 am

yeah i know that they are cheaper, but how much cheaper? the armor is probably cheap so the shield thing is the expensive thing?
though what about bases O_o
it is soluble in concentrated acids etc platinum is better at resisting that and is in the nanosuit metal structure(carboplatinum or whatever)
well cruise ships are mostly full of air and are big?
why need augmentations when you can be a normal human while the suit changes you? instead of going through operations that you need to heal from when a nanosuit can do it instatnly? don't see the point with six year olds though? so what if they were six?
thats essentially what happened in crysis! they went into an island with things they would of never of dreamed of and survived!
so did they replace all the human parts or what? the bones aren't all titanium otherwise no red blood cell production and they wuldnt have replaced things such as the skull and stuff
so they killed 4 odsts for the fun of it?
i thought that the spartans had live ammo too? so how would a tranquilizer dart prenetrate a heavily armored xoskeleton covered enemy? thats like trying to tranquilise a korean nanosuit guy- it just bounces off
so how did the spartan defeat the four guys?

its nice arguing/discussing with somebody who knows their stuff and is friendly....

the nanosuit might be able to disrupt a spartans shield as seen by crysis 1
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:23 pm

yeah i know that they are cheaper, but how much cheaper?
Well, let's put it into perspective. They Navy Brass was only able to produce around 200 Spartan II's. And they managed to create almost 5 times that many Spartan III's. So...5 times cheaper?

Plus, the armor is less advanced. Spartan II Mark VI Armor comes with built-in biofoam injectors, which enable the Chief to regenerate his health. The injectors are absent in Spartan III's. In fact, the lster waves of Spartan III's (the ones that aren't in Reach) relied on stealth technology since energy shields were too expensive.

it is soluble in concentrated acids etc platinum is better at resisting that and is in the nanosuit metal structure(carboplatinum or whatever)
Titanium is relatively inert in acid. Unless you run an electric current through it, acid won't do much to titanium, or any stable metal.

well cruise ships are mostly full of air and are big?
Yeah, which is what makes them less dense. Spartan suits follow the same principle too. I think I read they're as dense as the human body...

why need augmentations when you can be a normal human while the suit changes you?
Well, they didn't develop the armor until AFTER the Spartans became physically augmented. Plus, normal human beings can't use armor. They tried putting a normal Marine in the armor, but the armor moved so fast that he broke his arm just from raising his hand too fast. Eventually, he died since his body literally crushed itself.

don't see the point with six year olds though? so what if they were six?
I'm just saying they were trained from a very early age, so they have a crapload of experience at around age 20.

thats essentially what happened in crysis! they went into an island with things they would of never of dreamed of and survived!
But they had advanced nanosuits and weapons. The Spartans had nothing but sticks and stones.

so did they replace all the human parts or what? the bones aren't all titanium otherwise no red blood cell production and they wuldnt have replaced things such as the skull and stuff
They didn't replace the bones or organs. They only placed a carbon-fiber/ceramic matrix around the bone. And yeah, some Spartans died during that procedure because red blood cell production became far too low.

so they killed 4 odsts for the fun of it?
No. The ODSTs picked a fight him Chief because he accidentally messed up one of the weight lifting machines. He killed them in self-defense since he didn't know how to control his augmented stregnth at the time. The same thing happened when several Spartans were sparring with combat instructors; they accidentally killed them since they didn't know how to control their augmented stregnth.

i thought that the spartans had live ammo too? so how would a tranquilizer dart prenetrate a heavily armored xoskeleton covered enemy? thats like trying to tranquilise a korean nanosuit guy- it just bounces off
so how did the spartan defeat the four guys?
They only had tranq darts when they were playing Capture the Flag with the military base. In the fight with the exosuits, the Spartans had no weapons at all. They instead just flaked the suit-wearers and ripped open the suits with their bare hands, or used the suit-wearers own weapons against them.

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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:59 pm

so like how would they be buoyant? i just don't see it considering that they are meant to weigh a lot
Cruise chips weight hundred of tons. You don't see them sinking, right? Same concept. The armor is heavy, but not dense. Plus Spartans have been known to swim in Ghosts of Onyx.

No. It's not the same concept.

The size of the Spartans is small for the amount they would weigh (dense). They would be unable to displace enough water to remain buoyant.

Without some kind of propulsion they would be unable to swim in anything remotely like earth physics. They would be relegated to walking on the bottom.
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:26 am

so like how would they be buoyant? i just don't see it considering that they are meant to weigh a lot
Cruise chips weight hundred of tons. You don't see them sinking, right? Same concept. The armor is heavy, but not dense. Plus Spartans have been known to swim in Ghosts of Onyx.

No. It's not the same concept.

The size of the Spartans is small for the amount they would weigh (dense). They would be unable to displace enough water to remain buoyant.

Without some kind of propulsion they would be unable to swim in anything remotely like earth physics. They would be relegated to walking on the bottom.
Well they were said to be swimming in Ghosts of Onyx. Guess they were using some sort of DAV or something...

Still I don't see how a Spartan's lack of buoyancy is supposed to be any sort of huge advantage considering how a Spartan can survive underwater for at least 90 minutes, unless the two combatants started off in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight. In which case, yeah Alcatraz will win just due to the fact that he can float. If the battle took place on land, then Chief would win.
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:31 am

-some guy said that a spartan 2 costs the same as those big space things... thats meant to be the -most expensive thing in the game in the halo universe aka the future
-i never played halo 3 or others so the health regenerates? wouldn't the foam make his blood vessels have higher pressure and potentially burst
its only enert to most acids not including undiluted- says it on wikipedia, what about bases too!
zomebody already answered you about the water thing, i doubt that liquid metal and tank armor lets you swim much
-i''m guessing that special forces operatives and people who fought do too
spartans had andvaced exoskeletons and shields, i don't think that normal guns are advancerd considering the spartan could of nicked one of the harmed guys weapon, they had flash grenades and tranq. gun?
-carbon fiber ain't that strong and is very irritant and ceramic is only good for fast impacts and then they are useless as the break, what happened to titanium reinforcements? if the do have the metal implants then the mike is super effective!
-that doesn't sound really realistic... shoulda just left em alone
but you said they did have the flash and tranq. gun?
and how come the spartan didn't get shot? is it like assasins creed where you only get attacked by one enemy at a time?

i find it odd to believe that they developed armor after modifying people since making machinery is much easier, from what i've seen the armor is normal human speed and power armor moves with you not against you for the very same reason, how can a body get crushed its like putting something like an egg in a can full of jelly that prevents it from breaking? nanosuit users can run very fast and do incredible feats of strenghts with no harm?

well from gameplay you don't seem to be able to swim or breath in the water but...
why would chief win? why would alcatraz lose?

the things i'm reading is that the ARMORS reaction time is improves not the users? makes sense considering that power armor relies on human input to move
biofoam is only temporary? the nanosuit can get energy from nealry everywhere where as the mjolnir armor needs fusion cells?

half a ton for just the armor!? at least 600kg with a user? that sorta ruins stealth cause if you walk on anything like grass or tiles they make a load of noise
never mind the battery thing i read on on the page
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:22 am

-some guy said that a spartan 2 costs the same as those big space things... thats meant to be the most expensive thing in the game in the halo universe aka the future
Dunno about that.

i never played halo 3 or others so the health regenerates? wouldn't the foam make his blood vessels have higher pressure and potentially burst
No, not from what I observed. It expands just enought to fill up cavities and to pressurize wounds to stop bleeding, but not too much that it literally squeezed vessels till they pop.

its only enert to most acids not including undiluted- says it on wikipedia, what about bases too!
That's not what I learned in chem class. So I'm still iffy on this one.

zomebody already answered you about the water thing, i doubt that liquid metal and tank armor lets you swim much
They can still breath underwater.

i''m guessing that special forces operatives and people who fought do too
Train in the military from age of six? Uh, no.

spartans had andvaced exoskeletons and shields, i don't think that normal guns are advancerd considering the spartan could of nicked one of the harmed guys weapon
Normal guns were pretty advanced. A standard Ma5B assault rifle had 7.62 mm armor piercing rounds, which were capable of harming Spartans. The Spartans didn't use lethal ammunition during the training exercises because...well, they didn't want to kill fellow marines.

The only times they actually killed fellow Marines were due to accidents (when Chief accidentally killed the ODST, and when other Spartans accidentally killed their instructors while sparring them).

-carbon fiber ain't that strong and is very irritant and ceramic is only good for fast impacts and then they are useless as the break, what happened to titanium reinforcements? if the do have the metal implants then the mike is super effective!
Carbon fiber didn't provide the stregnth; it just provided a flexible matrix for which the ceramics to graft on to. And Spartans did not have metal implants, not from what I remember.

-that doesn't sound really realistic... shoulda just left em alone
but you said they did have the flash and tranq. gun?
They only had flash grenades and tranqs when they were playing Capture the flag at the military base. When they fought the exosuits in another training exercise, they were completely unarmed.

and how come the spartan didn't get shot? is it like assasins creed where you only get attacked by one enemy at a time?
They got shot at, but they were quick enough to dodge the rounds. Mind you, they fought the Exosuits AFTER the physical augmentations.

how can a body get crushed its like putting something like an egg in a can full of jelly that prevents it from breaking?
It crushed itself. When the marine moved his harm so fast, his bones were unable to take the force so they broke. Then the marine flinched in pain, causing more bones to break since his flinching became magnified by the armor. Eventually his entire skeletal structure just smashed itself because he couldn't control his movements.

His arm moved so fast that his bone couldn't withstand the force. It's like picking up a fragile stick and swinging it with all your might; the stick's just going to break since it's not strong enough to withstand the velocity.

well from gameplay you don't seem to be able to swim or breath in the water but...
Well, you never played Halo you never really played any maps where you can completely submerge yourself in water and just stand there like nothing's happening.

why would chief win? why would alcatraz lose?
I'm pretty sure I explained this several times in the past dozen pages. Pick any of the above.

half a ton for just the armor!? at least 600kg with a user? that sorta ruins stealth cause if you walk on anything like grass or tiles they make a load of noise
It's designed for stealth. Hell, many parts in the books have the Spartans undergoing stealth and infiltration missions. Just because it's heavy doesn't mean it's loud, unless the Spartans decided to tape bells to their boots. Hell, several levels of the previous halo games have you undergoing stealth missions. In fact, since you claimed to have played Halo Reach, play the Nightfall mission to get a good understanding of a Spartans stealth capabilities.

never mind the battery thing i read on on the page
Thing is, the fusion pack provides constant energy. Chief can lift, punch, jump high, and flip Warthogs without any detriment to his energy levels. The Nanosuit can't even throw a strong punch without completely depleting his energy, which is a huge disadvantage and one of the main reason why Chief would beat him if the battle took place on land.

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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:48 am

Spartan would win because his game and equipment works.

End of story. argument won, without long winded bull **** fanboy stories
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:00 pm

Spartan would win because his game and equipment works.

End of story. argument won, without long winded bull **** fanboy stories
Hey, woah, I'm no Halo fanboy. Halo isn't even my favorite game series. I'm more of a Metal Gear Solid fanboy.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:44 pm

-no i was talking about raptor teams non existant advanced weaponry :P
plus a spartan has shield, and yet the one spartan killed 2?
-age question seems like a repeat, i think i already said that i didn't mean the special forces guys, course unless they played cod or crysis
-so they have normal human bones? carbon fibre isn't really that flexible and the ceramic pl8ts would shatter if they got hit which would do damage
- the story with the exoskeletons seems unlikely, you can't dodge a bullet travelling at what 800m/s in a small distance
sorry gotta go back to school i'll finish later
- read the properties ;)
-but bones don't break like that, what happened to the layer that has padding and absorbs physical damage? a power suit only does what the operator does for precision
-yeah i just played halo 3 odst and reach(though even if you have the hazard helmet you still can't breath :(
-there are many times where alcatraz or nomad or any other suit operator would win
-yeah i know but metal boots don't sound that quite and considering that it ways over half a ton the effect would be bigger, yeah i remember, maybe elites can't hear as well i dunno or maybe it was cause of mud/grass, why would a nanosuit make step noises if it has rubber soles and was most likly designed to be quite aswell, i doubt that the spartan armor was designed for stealth since the cloak is only a mod
-considering that a nanosuit punches that hard i don't thing it would need a second one, also the operator is stronger even without energy, the nanosuit has hydrogen cells but they re just for rechargin and among other things like co2 from dead bodies, also why would a soldier want to get close to the other? if a nanosuit operator gets behind a spartan he is essentially dead since shields only seem to protect against high velocity things and explosions and there is no armor around the neck, also having a small battery thing the nanosuit isn't bulky
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:30 am

-no i was talking about raptor teams non existant advanced weaponry :P
plus a spartan has shield, and yet the one spartan killed 2?
One spartan killed 2? What are you talking about?

-so they have normal human bones? carbon fibre isn't really that flexible and the ceramic pl8ts would shatter if they got hit which would do damage
Yeah, they have normal human bones, infused with a ceramic carbide alloy. And Carbon fiber actually has a very high strength to weight ratio, which is why it's used as a component in bulletproof vests, racing bicycles, racing boats, aircraft hulls, and even guns. And while ceramic itself is brittle, alloys of it (such as ceramic combined with carbon fiber or plastics) can create extremely strong substances, such as armor plating for tanks. So combined, carbon fiber and ceramic makes bones virtually unbreakable.

However, some Spartans did suffer broken bones when they crashlanded from a high orbit jump.

- the story with the exoskeletons seems unlikely, you can't dodge a bullet travelling at what 800m/s in a small distance
Remember, this was when they had their physical augmentations, along with reflex enhancements. And they didn'tdodge bullets; they dodged stun rounds, which were relatively slower.

- read the properties ;)
Yeah, but I learned something different in chem class, so I'm iffy on this one. Besides, even if titanium is soluble, you'd need to submerge Chief in a bath of concentrated sulfuric acid for quite a while before it really hurts him. Contrary to popular belief, acid doesn't instantly melt anything it touches. The process takes a while, which is why if you work at a lab and you spill acid on yourselfm you don't feel the burn until maybe half an hour later. Trust me, it happened to me. And trust me, it svcks.

-but bones don't break like that, what happened to the layer that has padding and absorbs physical damage? a power suit only does what the operator does for precision
It's not external force that breaks the bone; it's the internal forces of the bones moving at such high velocities that causes them to literally break themselves. All the padding in the world won't protect against that.

It's the same reason why a Spartan can still hurt himself if he falls from great heights without the armor. Even though his bones are unbreakable and can take the impact, the organs would still be bruised from moving at such high velocities during the fall.

-yeah i know but metal boots don't sound that quite and considering that it ways over half a ton the effect would be bigger, yeah i remember, maybe elites can't hear as well i dunno or maybe it was cause of mud/grass, why would a nanosuit make step noises if it has rubber soles and was most likly designed to be quite aswell, i doubt that the spartan armor was designed for stealth since the cloak is only a mod
I never said the nanosuit made noise, I just said the Spartan suit doesn't make relatively loud noises either. And just because it doesn't have cloaking doesn't mean it wasn;t deigned for stealth. As I said before, several missions in previous Halo games have you undergoing stealth, even without the Cloaking Armor Power.

-considering that a nanosuit punches that hard i don't thing it would need a second one
That power punch didn't really impress me at all, it hardly send a human flying more than 5 feet. Much less an augmented human being encased in Titanium armor with energy shields.

also why would a soldier want to get close to the other?
Well, I don't know the battle parameters. What if they don't have weapons?

if a nanosuit operator gets behind a spartan he is essentially dead since shields only seem to protect against high velocity things and explosions
Actually, the shield are always up. Only Sentinel shields are motion-sensing.

and there is no armor around the neck
The neck verterbae are reinforced, remember?

also having a small battery thing the nanosuit isn't bulky
The fusion pack on Spartan armor isn't bulky either. Last time I checked, i
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:26 pm

I think the Spartans are all bark, and no bite. Just like the real Spartans of Greece, while they got themselfs killed [looked awesome while doing it] the Athens people where smart, and used there brain. in the long run Athens were better.

Lol GTFO. The greek spartans DID use tactics. They were considered the best soldiers in Greece.

They lost to Athens eventually, but that was largely down to poor decisions by their King IIRC, not their general lack of tactics or skill (the Phalanx tactic was common in ancient Greece, and the Spartans were **** good at it).

Hey, I could really care less about Greece, all I'm sayin' is that Nanosuit pwn Spartans. Plain, and simple.
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:02 pm

you said a spartan killed two people in the exoskeletons and harmed the others...
- you can't really infuse something like a bone, it has to be reinforced, carbon fiber is strong and light but it needs to be covered in something cause its highly irritant, isn't alloy a metal term, ceramic needs to break in order to work and it wouldn't make it near indestructible-far from it
-erm high orbit drop?
-how much slower, still in hundreds of meters/s?, i'm confused cause whenever i read about increased reflex and stuff its the suits response to movement, you just can't move that fast
-well i doubt long since it soluble so a flamethrowe like weapon would do
-i don't think you were using the concentrated stuff
- i still don't get how the bones would break, speed doesn't matter
-yeah organs and stuff are still normal, again carbon fibre isn't unbreakable especially the thin layer for bones and ceramic is really only 'strong' when a high velocity thing hits it in the process breaking it
- i know you didn't say that, k just that a 600kg thing on two tiny legs walking on tiles and other easy to break stuff would make noise when they break
-i could just as easily say that with a spartan punch, heck it doesn't even send those tiny grunts flying,
considering that you can kill an alien in a metal exoskeleton with one hit sounds pretty strong to me,
armor doesn't do much in increasing your strength its the thing that moves with ya and enegy shields don't make ya stronger either, plus he could always kick you :P
- not engage in combat?
- so if the shield blocks everything then how can they breath?
- no i don't and a cut jugular is still cut
- yeah must be just the armor and light thing on his back

didn't the spartans lose cause they were betrayed?
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:45 pm

f*** this thread
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:25 am

First get this dam game fixed...stupid bugs EVERYWHERE
then we'll talk about which character is better

f*** this thread
f*** yo mama
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:12 pm

I haven't encountered any problems in SP... MP is a completely different story
btw if the spartan armor has a fusion cell and you said it doesn't need to recharge then why do shields need to recharge?
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:13 pm

you said a spartan killed two people in the exoskeletons and harmed the others...
I said Chief killed 2 ODSTs and injured the other two. Spartans don't kill fellow Marines unless it's an accident. Let me clarify each battle that I mentioned:

-At the age of twelve, a team of spartans infiltrated a military base to steal a flag from its center, as part of a training exercise. They were only equipped with tranq pistols, and did not have any protection aside from white t-shirts and sweatpants. They didn't steal any lethal ammunition because they don't kill fellow Marines

-After physical augmentations, a squad of spartans were pitted against 3 marines who were wearing exosuits. Each exosuit was equipped with a mini-gun that fired stun rounds. The Spartans were unarmed. Again, no Marines were killed, since Spartans don't kill fellow Marines. The Spartans merely disabled the suits by ripping open the hydraulic ports, or just knocking them senseless.

-After physical augmentations, Master Chief was attacked by 4 ODST soldiers who were apparently PO-ed that he accidentally damaged one of the weight lifting machines. He accidentally killed 2 of them and gravely injured the other two, since he had no control over his stregnth. Other Spartans also accidentally killed their trainer when they were sparring with them, for the same reasons. Once again, Spartans don't kill friendlies.

- you can't really infuse something like a bone
It wasn't an infusion; it was a reinforcing graft. If I said infusion, I meant to say graft.

carbon fiber is strong and light but it needs to be covered in something cause its highly irritant
The graft was designed to be non-reactive and non-irritative. It's like how doctors fix broken bones; they set the bone and will sometimes attach the bones with titanium spikes or screws to keep the bones in place while they heal. Those titanium attachments were designed to be non irritant. Same goes with the graft.

Also keep in mind that not all Spartans survived the procedure. Since they were still 12-13 years old, some Spartans experienced growth spurts during the grafts, which caused their boned to become pulverized.

isn't alloy a metal term
Fine, let's call it a mixture, if we're going to get this into semantics.

ceramic needs to break in order to work
Not the kind used in composite tank armor (technical ceramic, I think it's called)

and it wouldn't make it near indestructible-far from it
The bones aren't indestructible, they're just unbreakable. You can still punch holes through the bones with armor piercing bullets. It's just high pressures that normally shatter bone will not break these reinforced bones. That's why most Spartans suffered no broken bones when they fell to the ground from high orbit.
high orbit drop?
Yeah, a high orbit drop. It's like skydiving to the ground from space...without a parachute.

-how much slower, still in hundreds of meters/s?, i'm confused cause whenever i read about increased reflex and stuff its the suits response to movement, you just can't move that fast
It's around 100 meters per second. And keep in mind that these aren't normal humans; they were augmented before they fought the exosuits. Considering how Spartans can run at around 35 miles per hours, I'm sure Spartans can dodge stun rounds.

-well i doubt long since it soluble so a flamethrowe like weapon would do
Human flesh is soluble in concentrated acid, yet it takes a while for concentrated acid to eat right through it. I'm pretty sure solid Titanium A will take even longer for acid to burn through.

And a flamethrower, wtf? Since when does solubility in acid automatically mean fire can effectively destroy it? Titanium has an enormous melting point; It takes several bursts of super-heated molten plasma to melt through it. The only flamethrower I can think of that can effectively get past that armor is the one from Halo 3, and that one has an extremely short range and weighs as much an an HMG, if not more.

- i still don't get how the bones would break, speed doesn't matter
It's the force from the velocity that breaks the bones. For example, if you weight-lift and you try to lift a weight that's too heavy, you'll strain yourself and can tear a muscle. There's no extermal force acting on your muscle, so wearing all the padding in the world won't prevent you from tearing a muscle, since the muscle is subjected to internal forces rather than external. Same thing goes with the Marine's arm: he raised his hand so fast that his bones can't handle the speed and it merely snapped.

- i know you didn't say that, k just that a 600kg thing on two tiny legs walking on tiles and other easy to break stuff would make noise when they break
Well, that depends on what battlefield they're fighting on, I guess.

-i could just as easily say that with a spartan punch, heck it doesn't even send those tiny grunts flying
I'll concede that, although he wasn't using his full stregnth when hitting grunts.

considering that you can kill an alien in a metal exoskeleton with one hit sounds pretty strong to me,
Spartans can do the same thing.

armor doesn't do much in increasing your strength its the thing that moves with ya
Except Spartan armor DOES make you stronger. It doubles or triples your stregnth, if I remember correctly.

- so if the shield blocks everything then how can they breath?
It's permeable to air, which is why the helmet has filters in case the environment gets contaminated.

- no i don't and a cut jugular is still cut
I can't see Alcatraz sneaking up behind Chief since Chief has a motion sensor that has a radius of several meters.

didn't the spartans lose cause they were betrayed?
Since when did Spartans lose?

btw if the spartan armor has a fusion cell and you said it doesn't need to recharge then why do shields need to recharge?
The shield has its own generator and power source, and isn't fed by the fusion reactor.
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:36 pm

lol this thread shows some people have no life or girlfriend.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:51 pm

haven't read the whole thread, but found the link for the wiki. And i saw lot of comments about the enhanced reflexes of the Spartans....
It also drastically increases motor reflexes (giving users on average a 0.008 millisecond reaction time),
So the Nanosuit also offers great reflexes.

Well, I think Nanosuit would win. Cloak-kill would be my guess. Well, with the armor of the spartan, rather cloak-C4.....^^
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cheryl wright
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 6:46 pm

lol this thread shows some people have no life or girlfriend.

Hey don't they all.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:12 pm

Spartan. They are bred and trained from birth, gene threapy, lifetime of training, physical augmentation. Regenerating cold plasma shields, etc. The nanosuit is a cool piece of techology for sure, but not up to par with the Mark V or the Mark VI.
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naome duncan
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Post » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:35 pm

I think the Spartans are all bark, and no bite. Just like the real Spartans of Greece, while they got themselfs killed [looked awesome while doing it] the Athens people where smart, and used there brain. in the long run Athens were better.

Lol GTFO. The greek spartans DID use tactics. They were considered the best soldiers in Greece.

They lost to Athens eventually, but that was largely down to poor decisions by their King IIRC, not their general lack of tactics or skill (the Phalanx tactic was common in ancient Greece, and the Spartans were **** good at it).
You're both wrong. Both the Spartans and the Athenians were dominated by Hector of Macedon when he united all of Greece.
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