got a v v v v v important question ???????

Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:35 pm

Ok i will put in layman words ,

Wat will happen if alcatraz slaps himself :p
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:27 pm

The suit will never stop saying "DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!" XD
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:32 pm

The suit will never stop saying "DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!" XD

i lol'd .. +1
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:23 am

Question why would he slap himself? I could see him taking a knife to his wrist coz he turned emo from seeing man kind being demolished from the insides. Now if he really slapped himself for just some random reason Hargreave would bich him out, telling him not to damage the suit.... That man is waaay to protective of the suit.
Hargreaves words
"YOU FOOOL! Don't you scratch my suit you inbisile!!!"
And another question..... Why are you asking this?
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:33 pm

Question why would he slap himself? I could see him taking a knife to his wrist coz he turned emo from seeing man kind being demolished from the insides. Now if he really slapped himself for just some random reason Hargreave would bich him out, telling him not to damage the suit.... That man is waaay to protective of the suit.
Hargreaves words
"YOU FOOOL! Don't you scratch my suit you inbisile!!!"
And another question..... Why are you asking this?

Well the suit is meant to be human kinds only means of fighting the Ceph, I'm gonna miss Hargreaves although we will get Rasch in the third game lol
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danni Marchant
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:16 pm

Question why would he slap himself? I could see him taking a knife to his wrist coz he turned emo from seeing man kind being demolished from the insides. Now if he really slapped himself for just some random reason Hargreave would bich him out, telling him not to damage the suit.... That man is waaay to protective of the suit.
Hargreaves words
"YOU FOOOL! Don't you scratch my suit you inbisile!!!"
And another question..... Why are you asking this?

Well the suit is meant to be human kinds only means of fighting the Ceph, I'm gonna miss Hargreaves although we will get Rasch in the third game lol

But you forget. The suit + Alcatraz is the only way to saving humankind. If the suit had no one in it, it would sit there, and if Alcatraz diden't have the suit.... He would be dead. They complete each other. And as Gould said Prophet picked Alcatraz for an important reason. [not just coz he washed up on the shore, and he was the only one barley breathing]
So if Alcatraz wants to slap himself, he should be able to. The suit might not like it, but maybe Alcatraz doesn't like the way the Nanosuit feels in his butt crack. It's a compramise.
I'm not gunna miss Hargeave, man that dude was creepy. I had my questions about him from the start. Rasch sounds fun. Him and his funny ascent. And plus Hargreave tried to kill Alcatraz by trying to tear him out of the suit, and he said 'kill him, only with head shots though don't damage mah suit!'
The third game is gonna rock, I just know it. but they better dang tell us what happens to Nomad, Psycho, and Helena! I really freakin loved those guys.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:06 pm

Question why would he slap himself? I could see him taking a knife to his wrist coz he turned emo from seeing man kind being demolished from the insides. Now if he really slapped himself for just some random reason Hargreave would bich him out, telling him not to damage the suit.... That man is waaay to protective of the suit.
Hargreaves words
"YOU FOOOL! Don't you scratch my suit you inbisile!!!"
And another question..... Why are you asking this?

Well the suit is meant to be human kinds only means of fighting the Ceph, I'm gonna miss Hargreaves although we will get Rasch in the third game lol

But you forget. The suit + Alcatraz is the only way to saving humankind. If the suit had no one in it, it would sit there, and if Alcatraz diden't have the suit.... He would be dead. They complete each other. And as Gould said Prophet picked Alcatraz for an important reason. [not just coz he washed up on the shore, and he was the only one barley breathing]
So if Alcatraz wants to slap himself, he should be able to. The suit might not like it, but maybe Alcatraz doesn't like the way the Nanosuit feels in his butt crack. It's a compramise.
I'm not gunna miss Hargeave, man that dude was creepy. I had my questions about him from the start. Rasch sounds fun. Him and his funny ascent. And plus Hargreave tried to kill Alcatraz by trying to tear him out of the suit, and he said 'kill him, only with head shots though don't damage mah suit!'
The third game is gonna rock, I just know it. but they better dang tell us what happens to Nomad, Psycho, and Helena! I really freakin loved those guys.

well you see alcatraz is an ordinary recon or whatever fella, the suit can take anybody in! but alcatraz is cool...
the suit wouldn't care about itself cause it repairs plus its an impact over a palm so not much damae anyways...
Hargreaves had reasons that normal people couldn't understand, he is like prophet, maybe he took one of the nanosuits on display in the hall where he is and survived?
Hargreaves wanted to be the one to finish it all, i'm guessing he didn't know about the other sites though
Nomad rocks, Psycho was awesome and humorous, just hope they aren't dead... shouldn't the girl be frozen cause she had no nanosuit?
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:18 am

well you see alcatraz is an ordinary recon or whatever fella, the suit can take anybody in! but alcatraz is cool...
the suit wouldn't care about itself cause it repairs plus its an impact over a palm so not much damae anyways...
Hargreaves had reasons that normal people couldn't understand, he is like prophet, maybe he took one of the nanosuits on display in the hall where he is and survived?
Hargreaves wanted to be the one to finish it all, i'm guessing he didn't know about the other sites though
Nomad rocks, Psycho was awesome and humorous, just hope they aren't dead... shouldn't the girl be frozen cause she had no nanosuit?

Awww, so Alcatraz is just cool.... not really important. Unless... when Prophet Kurt Cobained himself his body died, but when Prophet said he was linked to the suit, the suit is so invisinary it kept prophet's mind in it. Why would the suit just tell you to get your Ass up, and fight when Alcatraz almost died! It was prophet. He likes to yell, and that sounds like something prophet would say. Maaan that is so what happened!!! Prophet is the suit!!! HAAA!
Hargeave still scares the crap out of me. He sounded like a pedophile. I'm sorry man, but that is tottaly how I took him into perspective!
Yeah, Nomad was so freakin' awesome. I could only imagine what he looked like. and Psycho was badass. I loved playin' as him in Warhead!
dude, I bet Helena gets a nanosuit!! :DDD I soo want to see a lady in a nanosuit, that is like what I dream about at night. Crysis so needs to give chicks waaay more reckonition. I mean com on! They are getting a little better by making Tara freakin take out them C.E.L.Ls that pwned.
I still send out my prayers that the remainder of my little Raptor team is not sprawled out there dead... :C That makes me freakin' cry at night.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:04 pm

well you see alcatraz is an ordinary recon or whatever fella, the suit can take anybody in! but alcatraz is cool...
the suit wouldn't care about itself cause it repairs plus its an impact over a palm so not much damae anyways...
Hargreaves had reasons that normal people couldn't understand, he is like prophet, maybe he took one of the nanosuits on display in the hall where he is and survived?
Hargreaves wanted to be the one to finish it all, i'm guessing he didn't know about the other sites though
Nomad rocks, Psycho was awesome and humorous, just hope they aren't dead... shouldn't the girl be frozen cause she had no nanosuit?

Awww, so Alcatraz is just cool.... not really important. Unless... when Prophet Kurt Cobained himself his body died, but when Prophet said he was linked to the suit, the suit is so invisinary it kept prophet's mind in it. Why would the suit just tell you to get your Ass up, and fight when Alcatraz almost died! It was prophet. He likes to yell, and that sounds like something prophet would say. Maaan that is so what happened!!! Prophet is the suit!!! HAAA!
Hargeave still scares the crap out of me. He sounded like a pedophile. I'm sorry man, but that is tottaly how I took him into perspective!
Yeah, Nomad was so freakin' awesome. I could only imagine what he looked like. and Psycho was badass. I loved playin' as him in Warhead!
dude, I bet Helena gets a nanosuit!! :DDD I soo want to see a lady in a nanosuit, that is like what I dream about at night. Crysis so needs to give chicks waaay more reckonition. I mean com on! They are getting a little better by making Tara freakin take out them C.E.L.Ls that pwned.
I still send out my prayers that the remainder of my little Raptor team is not sprawled out there dead... :C That makes me freakin' cry at night.

Its either that or the suit thinks its Prophet, it is cool though
Hargreaves was different and thats why I liked him, he added a small yet nice touch to the story, can't wait to see what Rasch has in store for us
I betcha that the suits would be too big lol but it would be nice!
Lets hope that Crysis 3 will be awesome!
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