The ridiculous range + accuracy on these weapons means we see fewer and fewer people attempting to use Shotgun or MIKE (with the exception of maybe 1 map like Impact), because half the time they get blown up before they're anywhere near close enough...unless you love hugging walls and wasting 99% of your time in stealth waiting to get close enough to someone.
Which brings me to my second point, the Sniper rifle - this thing has a double-zoom capability that can essentially span an ENTIRE map from one end to the other, it's crazy awesome, yet it's probably the most difficult weapon to use - why? - because no map has a clearing that big with the exception of Lighthouse. Most of the time when you're trying to snipe someone, you're well within range of their automatic rifle (scar/feline/etc) and even if you spotted them first, they have a chance to kill you unless you're pro with on-the-move headshots. You have an extremely tiny window within which to kill them before they find cover again, it just can't be done.
TL;DR - reduce the insanely long range + accuracy on automatic rifles to make weapons like Sniper, Shotgun and MIKE more effective in Multiplayer.
I know the developers tried to be realistic with the weapon ranges, a Sniper can indeed cover over a mile, but the sandbox-style multiplayer maps AREN'T realistic so adjustments need to be made so auto-rifles aren't so freaking dominant.
Note: This is not to de-value pro snipers, shotgunners or microwavers in anyway