You may notice a new button on the top menu bar: Leaderboards !
For each individual platform, this leaderboard tracks the top 50 players from the gamesas community in a number of ways.
- Specify 3 individual platforms: PC, 360, PS3
- Specify time ranges: All time, today, this week, this month
- General section stats: Position, XP, Total Games, Wins, Losses, Total Kills, Dog Tags
- Nanosuit section stats: Total Kills, Kills in Armour/Stealth/Power, Time in Armour/Stealth/Power, Rank Amour/Stealth/Power
- Weapon section stats: Accuracy, Shots Fired, Hits, Headshot Kills
That isn't all! Check out your own forum profile and others to see where you rank amongst the community! You can also check out detailed stats on weapon usage, in-game awards gathered, total time played and much more!
Please note that this is only for gamesas accounts and the service is still gathering player data so if your profile seems fairly non-detailed it's probably just because the data hasn't been gathered yet. As there are a lot of players to gather the data from we ask that you please remain patient with this.
- gamesas Team