The Retaliation map pack

Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:23 am

i can't understand anyone of you. if YOU freaks create new maps and offer them, you also wan't money for that.

Don't see a price-tag there at ANY of those maps.

Neither I see some there.
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Kelly James
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:58 am

i can't understand anyone of you...

it's just two cigarette boxes

the maps are rly worth the 10 € / 10 $
You know, when PC gamers has such thing as Steam and Valve, they earn much greater DLC for Valve games for free. And even great old game like BioShock 1,2 or Batman: Arkham Asylum costs only about 10 dollars during mid-week, weekend, holiday Steam sales. Why so cheap?

Because Gabe Newell - the head of Valve - know how to make business. If you give crucial updates (new maps, classes, modes for Team Fortress 2) and DLC for a game for free, you earn very happy customers, they get back to that game, they lead their friends to that game, they advertise that game for their friends. Just listen this Q&A with Gabe Newell from 35 minutes 35 seconds.

So I bought only one map pack in my gaming life, it was Insurgency Map Pack for Splinter Cell: Conviction, I bought these 4 maps cause level design was absolutely great, full 100% stealth, greater than initially in the game. And the most important part of that purchase besides co-op multiplayer mode that map pack has singleplayer mode(!), that's why it's still fun! I can play it myself from rime to time. And it's relatively easy to find one player for multiplayer co-op mode even now.

But for Crysis 2 it's very different story, PC community of Crysis 2 apparently almost boycott this Retaliation map pack. I'm still thinking about purchase. I'm afraid that I shall not find servers with small ping from? Russia. Especially Assault mode servers.

Bye the way, find good videos about map pack on youtube: Park Avenue, Transit,
Shipyard, Compound.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:39 am

But for Crysis 2 it's very different story, PC community of Crysis 2 apparently almost boycott this Retaliation map pack. I'm still thinking about purchase. I'm afraid that I shall not find servers with small ping from? Russia. Especially Assault mode servers.

So am i.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:39 pm

You guyz are morons, i cant believe you drove me to this, those are community maps, these were made by Crytek, and the Maps that they have been released in the past by Crytek have come MUCH later, and only consisted of maybe a map, seeming again how most of you derps dished out $50 for warhead, why was there no complaining then? All warhead was, was a copy and paste campaign, all of the scenery was already in the first game, oh and as an added bonus, heres Wars, its now refined so low level noobs can plague the servers, pffttt, who knows, those other added maps could have been a community map adopted by the official game.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:13 am

Except that Warhead
a) had acutally new weapons
b) told a story (including voice-acting, cutscenes ect.) - Psycho even being voice-acted by the same guy as in the maingame. Prophets line might be a left-over from the original, however.
c) didn't require the original to run (which we call a "stand alone addon")
d) did NOT cost 50€ on release (it was 40€ - a totally reasonable price for a STANDALONE ADDON)
e) had a improved game engine
f) had a SECOND GAME IN IT (as Wars is considered as a own game)

Now compare that to "four maps for ten bucks"... kinda falls behind - drastically.

So, stop being a butt-kissing zealot and open your eyes for gods sake.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:34 am

Except that Warhead
a) had acutally new weapons
b) told a story (including voice-acting, cutscenes ect.) - Psycho even being voice-acted by the same guy as in the maingame. Prophets line might be a left-over from the original, however.
c) didn't require the original to run (which we call a "stand alone addon")
d) did NOT cost 50€ on release (it was 40€ - a totally reasonable price for a STANDALONE ADDON)
e) had a improved game engine
f) had a SECOND GAME IN IT (as Wars is considered as a own game)

Now compare that to "four maps for ten bucks"... kinda falls behind - drastically.

So, stop being a butt-kissing zealot and open your eyes for gods sake.

Lol, ya it was $50, same as 40 Euros, it had 2 new weapons, it was a cut and paste version of the first, meaning no new in game mechanics were changed, all the objects were in the first Crysis to begin with, voice acting wasn't anything new, all the same character models are recycled, so what are you going to tell me, is that you basically paid for a couple of "new maps." Owned.
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Bethany Short
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:36 am

Pretty sad that people are trying to justify $2.50 for a multiplayer map, especially this 'coolguycooldude' person who complains about recycling after buying DLC containing single player rehashes.

He probably plays on Xbox though so hes used to paying for low quality and content.

EDIT: Oh and the best players on DLC tripe was hilarious coming from someone who has the best KDR in less than 5% of his games.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:12 am

Let's all be honest, there is no way to universally justify paying $2.50 a map, ESPECIALLY if they were a) Created and completed before the game was actually released, and b) Share almost identical geometry to the respective singleplayer aspects.

If you are personally okay with blowing your money out of your ass for Crytek, by all means. But it is in no way okay for the community, nor the individual player.

And Warhead was a great deal and a great game. So they have the same goddamned ferns? Get over yourself and quit forcing your opinion on others, coolguy. "Owned?" On an online internet forum? Yeah. You got owned.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:57 am

Pretty sad that people are trying to justify $2.50 for a multiplayer map, especially this 'coolguycooldude' person who complains about recycling after buying DLC containing single player rehashes.

He probably plays on Xbox though so hes used to paying for low quality and content.

EDIT: Oh and the best players on DLC tripe was hilarious coming from someone who has the best KDR in less than 5% of his games.

lol, your going to comment on my playing skills? Lol, and even more, Check them again they arn't to date, and second, Im no noob, playing objectives is different from Deathmatches, how about you pull up some results of my Deathmatchs and laugh at me then? Id be glad to show you my name on top of every chart. and Sadly, I do own an Xbox, fortunately, I only play and own crysis 2 on PC, not on Xbox retard, I paid for the map pack for PC, and thankfully I haven't met you on any servers so far. And dont try and impress me with "Elite" gamers, I play this game for about an hour a day, and am satisfied with mt score, but seeing how you guyz dont have a comeback for the Warhead cause ^ , it seems pretty stupid you guyz are trying to put me on the spotlight, all because you guyz dont carry a form of a way to pay for the maps, so you guys complain, in order to see if Crytek hands you free maps, and yes the new maps are recycled(and awesome), and I never said Warhead svcks, my point is that you guyz didn't complain for warhead but now you cry over paying $10 for new map packs.

And read it again, warhead is just a couple of NEW MAPS, with paste style architecture, you guyz seem uber ridiculous trying to complain about some new maps you dont have to buy.

And again I meant owned becuase MY POINT is solid, not because im trying to force my opinion, no its not just ferns, every item in warhead was ported from the Crysis sandbox, yet sold as a new title, Im not to sure but usually sequels add a couple of new mechanics to the controls, you know, like a couple of features like maybe, slide, ledge grab, or assassinate, or maybe you know....... an actual story? and not just a series of events slapped together. For all I know, Psycho could have arm wrestled an alien, slapped on a saddle on its back and rode it to 7-11 and back to buy himself a slurpy, and still would have been completely justifiable story that tide with Nomads adventure, with such a huge plot gap.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:03 am

Except that Warhead
a) had acutally new weapons
b) told a story (including voice-acting, cutscenes ect.) - Psycho even being voice-acted by the same guy as in the maingame. Prophets line might be a left-over from the original, however.
c) didn't require the original to run (which we call a "stand alone addon")
d) did NOT cost 50€ on release (it was 40€ - a totally reasonable price for a STANDALONE ADDON)
e) had a improved game engine
f) had a SECOND GAME IN IT (as Wars is considered as a own game)

Now compare that to "four maps for ten bucks"... kinda falls behind - drastically.

So, stop being a butt-kissing zealot and open your eyes for gods sake.

Lol, ya it was $50, same as 40 Euros, it had 2 new weapons, it was a cut and paste version of the first, meaning no new in game mechanics were changed, all the objects were in the first Crysis to begin with, voice acting wasn't anything new, all the same character models are recycled, so what are you going to tell me, is that you basically paid for a couple of "new maps." Owned.
Crysis 1 at release - 50€ (A full game)
Warhead at release - 40€ (A standalone addon - not a sequel - and a full MP-only game)

All maps of Warhead were made from scratch, features several new weapons, not just two (new sidearm in two versions, new primary, new explosive, new stationary, new BFG) a huge amount of new enemies (visually "just" reskins but those were tougher and meaner), balancing-fixes, mentioned new voice-acting (someone has to pay those voice-actors, after all) and return of an old one, overworked ENGINE, overworked AI, several new skins for old weapons, several updates with FREE maps for the MP (made by Crytek).

I think, for 40€, that's more than worth it. Remember that you don't need the first game to run anything from that. If you would need it, the price would be even lower (30€)

Now compare that to this DLC
Price - 10€
4 maps, all taken from the SP and overworked. You NEED the original game to play them. If we add it up to a "normal" price for an addon, what do we get for 30€? Right, only 12 maps. Compare "12 maps reused and slighly overworked from SP" with all that stuff Warhead had. Falls behind BY FAR.

So the only person you're currently "owning" is yourself.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:46 am

uh..... stop contradicting me with Euros, your making yourself look silly, $60=50 Euros, $50=40 euros, and then fine, the maps from scratch, WARS was the same exact Crysis MP, but with new "optimized" gameplay, and stop using my "owned" out of context, don't know how things work in Germany or in Europe, owned, means disproved, which i clearly have shown, so how am I disproving myself? not sure about this either way i think the maps are only like 8 euros too, and again, only 2 new maps are relevant in geometric architecture to the campaign, and again, transit and shipyard are new maps, and arn't in anyway related to the campaign in structure. The only maps being recycled are compound and park ave, and even then things are tinkered with.

And really people, they're asking for $10 for a bonus add-on, fine let them give us 12 new maps for $50, somehow you guyz believe that to be more fair.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:39 am

12 maps for 50$ is the same as 4 map for 10$ - heck, it would be even worse. For 10$, we should already get 12 maps - and that only when the game has no other way of getting maps. Like... a map editor THE GAME IS ABOUT TO GET!

Only 5 years ago, people would have ripped the company appart for releasing such a "addon" as it's just ripping off the players - and in this game, those people are still here, unlike the CoD-community, which blindly follow their game like lemmings and buy no matter how overpriced something is. And you are not much different.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:54 am

Wow, you live in the dark, $10 for an map pack? I understand the part where your pissed, by why do yo feel Crytek is obligated to give this map out for free? Like I said if your pissed about a buggy, laggy game, stop playing it, if you havnt noticed, EA has a bigger role in Cryteks finances, and I assure you EA puts a price on 98% of there DLC, and if you guyz haven't already noticed, Crytek is starting to hate our PC community thanks to you guyz , so much so that they are giving away the free DLC maps to the Xbox community on facebook, might want to guess why?

and bro bra, 12 maps= $30 not $50, according to your logic, warhead was worth it,, but these new maps are not, at $50 of DLC Crytek, today, would of given us 20 new maps, which id like to add the DLC would have more maps than in warhead. WARS was not a valid purchase if you already owned Crysis 1, you should have actually felt even more gyped, and i didnt hear any complaining back then, but no, you guyz are right, it definitely was a smart investment for everyone including if I already owned Crysis 1, and just one more time, I love warhead, it was fun and different, but im not the guy crying over new content, this anology is for you guyz. My point being you guyz complain for the wrong reason, $10 for new content being a meager investment.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:07 pm

Who said that I am pissed about the game being buggy? So far, I didn't had a single bug with the game caused which was mentioned here and can be followed back to programming-problems (had so far only crashes after alt+tab). Some problems were back when the game was just released (rank resets in MP) but at that time, I was mainly stuck with the SP-mode.

And you didn't bought JUST Crysis Wars, you bought Warhead and Wars in a bundle. Not to mention that both games run on an improved version of the CryEngine 2, Wars featured a new mode and every weapon+vehicle from Warhead and a bunch of new maps. SOME DELIVERED FOR FREE WITH UPDATES, IF NOT ALREADY IN THE GAME.

And YOU came up with 50$ for Warhead, not me. I just went with 30$ as a price for Warhead (and Wars) as if it was a typical addon, which would require the original game to run and compared that to the DLC (added up its content to also 30$) and from what I saw was in Warhead, we got a full SP-game, an extended MP-mode, a bunch of new weapons, and at least 6 new maps (never acutally counted) ect. and in the second case... 12 maps. I don't know about you, but no sane person would equal 6 maps (the difference between the DLC on 30$ and Warhead+Wars) to be as much worth as a full SP-mode, a reworked MP-mode, a overworked and optimised engine, several weapons and weapon-skins, a bunch of new SP-Enemies and so on...

So, unless you're the biggest fanboy in history, you should realise that 10$ for 4 maps is ABSOLUTELY OVERPRICED in every regards - espically when all four maps are based on maps from the SP rather being done from scratch.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:11 am

why do yo feel Crytek is obligated to give this map out for free?.
Because they have done it before. Without hesitation.

Like I said if your pissed about a buggy, laggy game, stop playing it
Talk about poor arguments. I don't know who's $60 YOU spent buying the game, but I can tell you that I paid $60 out of my own wallet to enjoy a lag-free, bug-free, hack-free experience.

Crytek is starting to hate our PC community thanks to you
Time for me to blow random information out of my asshole: OH YEAH CUZ CRYTEK DEY HAD DA UNICORNS TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD WE ALL BETTUH GET DA HELL OUT!!!11

Again, if you are okay with paying $10 for maps, that's fine. But trying to make it right by comparing it to anything else that costs money isn't gonna work. Nor is anything else.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:39 am

Pretty sad that people are trying to justify $2.50 for a multiplayer map, especially this 'coolguycooldude' person who complains about recycling after buying DLC containing single player rehashes.

He probably plays on Xbox though so hes used to paying for low quality and content.

EDIT: Oh and the best players on DLC tripe was hilarious coming from someone who has the best KDR in less than 5% of his games.

lol, your going to comment on my playing skills? Lol, and even more, Check them again they arn't to date, and second, Im no noob, playing objectives is different from Deathmatches, how about you pull up some results of my Deathmatchs and laugh at me then? Id be glad to show you my name on top of every chart. and Sadly, I do own an Xbox, fortunately, I only play and own crysis 2 on PC, not on Xbox retard, I paid for the map pack for PC, and thankfully I haven't met you on any servers so far. And dont try and impress me with "Elite" gamers, I play this game for about an hour a day

I play less than you do and im still considerably better than you are. You were the first to comment on other peoples skill which was pretty poor coming from someone with your ability.

What objective mode is it you play anyway? because out of 314 games you have had MVP in CS 7 times, MVP in Assault 1 time, MVP in Extraction 1 time and MVP in CTR 7 times.

16 MVPs in objective out of 314 games.
14 highest KDRs out of 314 games.

It doesnt even look like you get many killstreaks.

When people can look at your stats and clearly see how terrible you are dont post things like this;

Crytek didn't fail, everyone else failed each other. They cant tell people what to buy. Funny thing, I've noticed a community within a community, so far i've only recognized the best players are in the new DLC maps, meaning no noobs. ;), better for me I guess.
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sally R
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:06 am

considerably with my skills huh, I admit, i do sound like a douchbag, fortunately i have the means to back myself up, lets meet in a lobby, and see who racks up the most points? It doesn't matter at this point to comment, but im not the only one on this account, like i said, i give a rats ass about KDR, actions speak louder than words that weren't directed towards me in the first place. again, if I would have known playing against hackers would have had people criticizing my score, then Ill just have to show what my points look like in a clean lobby.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:24 am

why do yo feel Crytek is obligated to give this map out for free?.
Because they have done it before. Without hesitation.

Like I said if your pissed about a buggy, laggy game, stop playing it
Talk about poor arguments. I don't know who's $60 YOU spent buying the game, but I can tell you that I paid $60 out of my own wallet to enjoy a lag-free, bug-free, hack-free experience.

Crytek is starting to hate our PC community thanks to you
Time for me to blow random information out of my asshole: OH YEAH CUZ CRYTEK DEY HAD DA UNICORNS TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD WE ALL BETTUH GET DA HELL OUT!!!11

Again, if you are okay with paying $10 for maps, that's fine. But trying to make it right by comparing it to anything else that costs money isn't gonna work. Nor is anything else.

Unfortunately, even though I've written about 3 pages of random ass blowing, you guys seem to still not have a legitimate excuse to why you guyz feel the map pack isn't worth $10, besides the fact you claim you "deserve" it. This thread began with, the maps are a rip, not with us ass blowing money throwers loving to give money to Crytek. It seems you cant just hold up an argument to why the maps should be free. All im doing is sitting here, watching you guys cry over maps, that arn't worth even me typing, and yes I have a job, this money came out of my time, and effort, and not sure about in england, but $10 is what I spend on food a day, compared to owning these maps for a lifetime. it seems fair.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:29 am

Because you are the only person who has been affected by a hacker right? I can see from your accolades how average you are. Im also not going to play with you as there would be at least a 200ms ping difference due to locale.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:13 am

Because you are the only person who has been affected by a hacker right? I can see from your accolades how average you are. Im also not going to play with you as there would be at least a 200ms ping difference due to locale.
Choose your server, i don't mind. I'm not asking for a head to head match, just see who racks up most kills, like I've said, i don't care about KDR, all my score tells me is i'm not a camper.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:11 am

Alright, so seeing as how much raging is going on here, I; the OP am now "closing" this thread. I posted this before I learnt that it cost 10 bucks. Now that I have, there is no more need for this.

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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:35 am

Uber lol
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:01 pm

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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:21 am

lol whichever thread I read, I see fanboys trolling
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