» Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:27 pm
IMO the nanosuit feels like its made of paper outside of armor mode. regular player health needs to be increased by 2.5x then things will get interesting. I really don't like how Crysis feels like Call of Duty with the "I saw you first, now bend over" health pool.
I thought, with the Nanosuit this wouldn't be a CoD experience in multiplayer, but actually it's CoD with gimmicks.
Same goes for the level system:
Shooters should be skillbased games, and I never understood why a player with more game experience, like map awareness or how to react to certain situations, should also get better equipment.
Level systems are ok for prestige reasons, but equipment and perks should not be bound to the level, as it is contraproductive for a shooter.
Last thing is the killstreak boni.
Although they are not as strong as in CoD, why should a team, which is obviously winning (cause they are killing more people, while dieing less, which cause you to win most game modes), get tools which helps them to win.
Show me any kind of sport, which gives the winning team boni for winning.