Armor Mode.

Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:46 am

what people seem to be doing a lot is turning armor on only when they see somebody and thats not the best thing to do. im not telling everyone to run around with armor but it seems to be something when you get shot with a bullet then activate armor that it ends up not protecting like it should. also people who instantly cloak after a kill are more likely to die faster due to the fact of how many enemies could be watching and results in faster deaths. please post your opinions =)

also dont try to blame how weak armor mode is, it can be fairly good if used at the right time.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:04 am

hmmmm, its important to let enough energy for armor. but yourself u have to be flexible (jump, crough, right/left side,...) its good to use armor mode when passing corners or u know enemies sure coming. at all form map to map its different, if u know how u dont need much armore and u can use more cloak and nanovision. anyway this topic seems it would be better to post in gameplay area.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:19 pm

IMO the nanosuit feels like its made of paper outside of armor mode. regular player health needs to be increased by 2.5x then things will get interesting. I really don't like how Crysis feels like Call of Duty with the "I saw you first, now bend over" health pool.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:25 am

IMO the nanosuit feels like its made of paper outside of armor mode. regular player health needs to be increased by 2.5x then things will get interesting. I really don't like how Crysis feels like Call of Duty with the "I saw you first, now bend over" health pool.
^ This x 1000. I learned this is basically about ninjas trying to spot other ninjas, and once you spot them you can screw them from behind before they can even react.
Factor in latency and I don't have time to turn on armor, even if some newb with horrible aim is spraying bullets at me >_>
The problem is actually worse in Classic mode, where even 2-3 bullets to the body = death. But atleast you don't have people stealthing's more about camping and/or having really good spotting skills.

It's why I run around with my FOV set to 120-130, so I can get a ridiculously wide angle and can atleast see people coming from the side.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:56 am

Armor mode has two disadvertages, both causing it better to be turned off when not needed.
a) It costs energy
b) you're slower

B might not be so important most of the time, but it can be critical in some modes (Assault and CTR mainly)
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:25 am

Armor mode has two disadvertages, both causing it better to be turned off when not needed.
a) It costs energy
But that energy doesn't VANISH like it does when you run with Cloak, I find running with Armor activated is often a pretty good option (and baiting people to you :P).
Ofcourse you don't want to do this on open ground :P
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:06 pm

Armor mode has two disadvertages, both causing it better to be turned off when not needed.
a) It costs energy
But that energy doesn't VANISH like it does when you run with Cloak, I find running with Armor activated is often a pretty good option (and baiting people to you :P).
Ofcourse you don't want to do this on open ground :P
Yeah, and jumping takes 3 freaking bars off of your energy! Sprinting and jumping shouldn't take away anything from your energy!
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:53 am

IMO the nanosuit feels like its made of paper outside of armor mode. regular player health needs to be increased by 2.5x then things will get interesting. I really don't like how Crysis feels like Call of Duty with the "I saw you first, now bend over" health pool.

This would be so great. Games where if the other guy sees you first, you are dead aren't nearly as fun as games where if you are shot you have time to react. Games like CoD, where situational awareness = kills don't require much skill at all. If your enemy has time to react before they are dead then you have to anticipate their actions and find cover (because you will probably have to reload) in oder to win the engagement. Considering we are supposed to be superhuman, this would fit in to the game just fine.

I thought that, because of the Nanosuit, Crysis 2 would be one of the latter games. This is the main reason why I am disappointed in Crysis 2.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:40 am

IMO the nanosuit feels like its made of paper outside of armor mode. regular player health needs to be increased by 2.5x then things will get interesting. I really don't like how Crysis feels like Call of Duty with the "I saw you first, now bend over" health pool.

This would be so great. Games where if the other guy sees you first, you are dead aren't nearly as fun as games where if you are shot you have time to react. Games like CoD, where situational awareness = kills don't require much skill at all. If your enemy has time to react before they are dead then you have to anticipate their actions and find cover (because you will probably have to reload) in oder to win the engagement. Considering we are supposed to be superhuman, this would fit in to the game just fine.

I thought that, because of the Nanosuit, Crysis 2 would be one of the latter games. This is the main reason why I am disappointed in Crysis 2.
As much as I hate to say it, player health is one thing that makes Halo's multiplayer great. If you get the drop on someone you have to take them out quick, before they can react, because if you don't they still have a chance TO WIN.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:00 pm

Wish the change from cloak to armor would be as fast as in singleplayer, when I started playing mp I often started shooting a little too early and drained all my energy xD , in sp u can basically switch to armor mode, make your shot and go into back to stealth in less than a second xD
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:27 pm

IMO the nanosuit feels like its made of paper outside of armor mode. regular player health needs to be increased by 2.5x then things will get interesting. I really don't like how Crysis feels like Call of Duty with the "I saw you first, now bend over" health pool.

I thought, with the Nanosuit this wouldn't be a CoD experience in multiplayer, but actually it's CoD with gimmicks.

Same goes for the level system:
Shooters should be skillbased games, and I never understood why a player with more game experience, like map awareness or how to react to certain situations, should also get better equipment.

Level systems are ok for prestige reasons, but equipment and perks should not be bound to the level, as it is contraproductive for a shooter.

Last thing is the killstreak boni.
Although they are not as strong as in CoD, why should a team, which is obviously winning (cause they are killing more people, while dieing less, which cause you to win most game modes), get tools which helps them to win.
Show me any kind of sport, which gives the winning team boni for winning.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:35 am

what people seem to be doing a lot is turning armor on only when they see somebody and thats not the best thing to do. im not telling everyone to run around with armor but it seems to be something when you get shot with a bullet then activate armor that it ends up not protecting like it should. also people who instantly cloak after a kill are more likely to die faster due to the fact of how many enemies could be watching and results in faster deaths. please post your opinions =)

also dont try to blame how weak armor mode is, it can be fairly good if used at the right time.
Amour mode isn't weak, it just lights you up like a Christmas tree uneccessarily. It caters to the (hopefully wrong) idea that console players are idiots who can't tell someone is in armour from a simple colour change.

If you didn't glow, you'd see armour more often.
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:18 pm

So we all agree that the Nanosuit needs to have its base health doubled and Armor Mode should double that health?
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:29 pm

IMO the nanosuit feels like its made of paper outside of armor mode. regular player health needs to be increased by 2.5x then things will get interesting. I really don't like how Crysis feels like Call of Duty with the "I saw you first, now bend over" health pool.

I thought that, because of the Nanosuit, Crysis 2 would be one of the latter games. This is the main reason why I am disappointed in Crysis 2.
In my oppinion it was hardly dissapointing.its more about staying stealthy than super strength to me.see he uses stealth (and lots of luck)succsesfully.

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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:22 pm

So we all agree that the Nanosuit needs to have its base health doubled and Armor Mode should double that health?

but yes that would be good. AHH-GREED.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:31 am

Make armor absorb 100% damage instead of just 33%. Whoever has more energy wins, not whoever saw the other first. If you have full energy and somebody shoots you out of cloak, you can just throw on armor and still be able to win, since he won't have any energy left.
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carley moss
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:10 am

armor mode gives you a chance(if you are near cover), its much better than nothing as for my first 100/200 kills i was doing horribly and then i tried armor mode before engaging in combat and it let me survive a lot of battles(the red dizzy screen in very common but I don't die!), I do miss the way that in the first game you would run out of energy and then die but the energy in mp goes away fast with only absorbing damage... does it act as a shield in sp so its like the first game?

who ever has a better aim is also important... torso v head? would you say head shots are overpowered with armor on?
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:51 am

How is Armour mode weak? I literally never step outside without Armour mode on unless i am forced to, if you use Armor Enhance II perk, you can more or less be constantly in Armour mode with only needing to break for a few secs occasionally, I have a 2.2 k/d using this tactic and its still rising rapidly...

Also I don't get people asking for double the health and double that health in armor? The health in this game is far more than cod and you have ample time to react to people shooting you, sometimes even when two people are shooting at me im able to take them both out. I've always remarked that the health is good on this game because you can easily spin around when hit and if you are a good aim take out the guy shooting at you.. doubling the current health would just be stupidly high, you would need an entire clip to the head to even hope to kill people... it would remove the whole point of having to have good reaction speeds :/ i think the current health is perfect tbh...

My only problem is cloak which imo should just be removed completly from the game or atleast nerfed a hell of a lot, if it wasn't for stealth n00bs my k/d would be 5+ im sure...
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:51 am

This could be fixed with Armor Enhance III, but Crytek decided to give that Tier the ability to withstand a Nanosuit Jammer, wich is avaiable on 40% of the maps...

I'd suggest a boost of damage reduction for Tier 3. THEN it's maximum Armor.

(That would also solve the Cloakers problem. ;) )
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:20 am

You can't boost health or damage if you want a balanced game; boosting damage reduction is indirectly boosting health.

Armour is fine with damage reduction - it just needs to be less visiible. Anyone who has played the original knows the 33% reduction keeps you alive longer than Crysis 1's 100% absorption.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:55 pm

You can't boost health or damage if you want a balanced game; boosting damage reduction is indirectly boosting health.

Armour is fine with damage reduction - it just needs to be less visiible. Anyone who has played the original knows the 33% reduction keeps you alive longer than Crysis 1's 100% absorption.

all it does in the first one is protect you from headshots with snipers and gauss, if somebody has you in their sights in the first one and keeps you in it then armor just lets you live for a few seconds more... same here... it is annoying though when you die with nearly full health with armor on but thats rare and sorta tells you to be more careful... armor mode lets you survive a few more bullets which usually means you live and they die(unless they have your head in the sights), still i miss the first games armor mode...
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:28 am

Personally I prefer C1 armour. It's less effective overall, but had 100% damage mitigation.

Armour in C1 wasn't about makign you into some shiny tank, it was about providing you with some default cover while your suit wasn't doing anything else.

You'd also have to ditch that protection (or cloak) if you wanted to jump anywhere high. The whole nanosuit was more balanced.
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Post » Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:53 am

Personally I prefer C1 armour. It's less effective overall, but had 100% damage mitigation.

Armour in C1 wasn't about makign you into some shiny tank, it was about providing you with some default cover while your suit wasn't doing anything else.

You'd also have to ditch that protection (or cloak) if you wanted to jump anywhere high. The whole nanosuit was more balanced.

+1 and it made you feel invincible!
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