ok the answer to the riddle is - Dreaming (or Dreams)....right?
I'll put up a new riddle.
Also, after about a million annoying tries I managed to do a super jump but it was hardly "ridiculously" high enough to reach the top of a church OR escape a map. It was just a double power jump.. i don't know, maybe i did it wrong.
It takes a bit of skill, but once you get used to it, it becomes fairly easy.
When I say "ridiculously high, I mean compared to say, a real jump, or a jump in any other game.
It's still pretty damn high.
I managed to get on top of the church, escape every map I tried, skip scripted sequences (and mess with them),
and I almost made it onto the chopper in "that part where you fight a chopper after the docks" - the only reason I failed was because it was too far out, not too high.
here's your cat!

Aww :3
But I need MOAR.
I tried it but I think I misunderstood how to do it. I'll make a new vid when I have the time.
You need precise timing.
Also; buy me a cat.