» Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:51 am
I hardly noticed the audible sound, initially. When I used Proximity Alarm, I thot it was just the red bars on HUD. Later, when using Team Speak, I turned down in game Sound to better hear Teamspeak; I was annoyed by this loud incessant clanging, like someone banging on a pan. I thot one of the gamers, must have an open mic that was annoying.
Then I realized it was Proximity Alarm audible. Ingame sounds, FX and music compete with Proximity Alarm audible and it becomes difficult to notice in a 16 peeps server. Now I know what it is. You can manage how distinct Proximity Alarm is when in game, by tweaking FX and music down.
I use a headset too. Sennheiser 650