Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:02 am

i was against votekick sistem but i realize that this is the only thing could save this game... of course noobs will abuse and good players will be kicked. codename205 said that he had scores like 25-0 and 25-2. he will be kicked for sure but wait a minute, you are a fragger or you try to find some competition? you want to play with noobs and have fun having the highest K/D?
c`mon guys, i have been kicked from many CS servers and migrate. if the server is noobish why would you like to keep playing on it?

so, vote kick is a good option for this game. the anticrapcheat crytek provided will end this game like in couple of weeks.

Somewhat of another possible problem with the vote kicking is that it can go the other way around: imagine a majority of people enjoying good teamplay, participation in the objectives and being a tad of an elitist on the skill and mindgame department > ppl vote kicking newbies that are learning the game.

Vote kicking is a democratic move that depicts in working for whatever the majority of the type of persons there are on a server. Can be good, can be bad.

Then the infamous admin kicking whoever the hell he wants if he is an unfair one is another thing... :|
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:14 am

aldar98 +1
and could add votekick campers for example. in fact votekick anyone who ruin the gameplay. about the admins who abuse, well this is an issue that the server owner is in charge. there will be always servers/admin/vip users/players kicked for slots/etc etc. if the server owner will pick idiot admins all we need to do is migrate again...
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Adam Porter
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:24 pm

lol dont be too pro then ;)

U don′t spend your time playing if u are a noob then

Why? Have you born with the pro label on your head?
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:16 am


This is an oxymoron. There is no such thing. AntiCheat is never fool proof, and having VAC handle it, you would get just as many cheaters for atleast another month or two, due to the fact that VAC bans in waves. Punkbuster is bypassable by changing the header of the cheats and it becomes invisible until Punkbuster is updated once a year.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:33 pm

Are these the same "Pros" who kill people in armor mode with enhanced armor using 2 shots to the chest from a scar at a hundred meters after taking a full clip to the back of the head? Or the same pros who claim skill when they headshot you while you're cloaked on the other side of the map? Sorry, but I'm sick and tired of being forced to suffer hackers claiming to be pros.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:39 pm

Are these the same "Pros" who kill people in armor mode with enhanced armor using 2 shots to the chest from a scar at a hundred meters after taking a full clip to the back of the head? Or the same pros who claim skill when they headshot you while you're cloaked on the other side of the map? Sorry, but I'm sick and tired of being forced to suffer hackers claiming to be pros.

Wow, are you accusing Celsius from hacking? xD I played against him and some of his mates the other day and I can say he doesn't cheat. Nice heated fights, short and bitter or both falling back licking our wounds going "aaaw u mavvafakkah! Just you wait..."
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:18 pm

care thread. Just ban everybody but crytek-staff.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:53 am

Wrong. Vote kick would not be abused as you describe.

Make it so it requires 75% of all people in game for the vote to pass (ie: require votes from BOTH teams). Also have a 'reason' textbox for the person casting the vote so people know why. The way chat works in the game now, its so hard to notice chat, so they need a better system for votes.

Nobody wants a hacker on their team, why? because the server will be empty in a matter of minutes then NOBODY gets to play.

If a player is just playing well, they arnt going to get kicked because even if all the 'noobs' gang up, the players who are good will know better, thus they wont get 75% of the votes required to pass.

Besides, even if the rare time a good player is kicked, its still best for everyone. So 1 person has to join a new server rather than every single person in a game. I think if i was kicked because i was owning, i would be ticked off but then again i would understand and just join another server. Id rather have that then leave a game 50% of the time cuz some dude is hacking.

I agree 100%, take alook at mw2 works like a charm, and just as Zergrush said, the other pro players, dont jump on the votekick, coz they know hes not cheating,... and there usally arent enough nub players to reach 75%..

No argument, it works,.. so just get on whit it crytek,..
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:29 am

Not accusing anyone in particular of hacking, but I uninstalled the game today because I was on a server full of so-called 'Pros' that supposedly had an active admin banning people. One problem. I was in armor mode every moment I could be, and I was running the 'enhanced armor' module but these guys were killing me with 2 shots to the chest, while I was in full powered armor mode, from light weapons. One guy shot me in the head, across the map, while I was invisible. Sure, nano vision can see a faded blue ghost of people who are invisible, but one shot kills across a map on it, with an assault rifle? That's either insane luck or hacks. Considering what else was going on, I think it was hacks. I'd dump an entire clip from a SCAR into someone's head and torso from behind, and they'd just take it, then turn around and boom, 2 shots and have fun looking at the respawn screen. That was just the latest BS I've had to deal with of people claiming to be 'pros' who were obviously hacking. Lighthouse map, people sniping through trees, on people who're cloaked, boom, headshot and dead with 1 shot. People who never run out of ammo, people who have infinite armor and just can't be killed, but spin and kill you, then claim they got you first. In my experience, over multiple FPS games, there are very few "Pro" players, and a lot of people claiming to be pros who have hacks. Bad Company 2, with people pulling headshots across a map.....with a pistol. Modern Warfare, people who auto-headshot everything, I always watch the killcam and I always pay attention.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:28 pm

lol dont be too pro then ;)

U don′t spend your time playing if u are a noob then

Why? Have you born with the pro label on your head?

Nope, I got it after multiplayer OWNING at COUNTER STRIKE, UNREAL TOURNAMENT, QUAKE 3 (dude, that wast FAST gameplay!) , CS-SOURCE, HALF LYFE (AND MODS!),CRYSIS 1, ETC ETC.

Man, the first game I remember it′s DUKE NUKEM 3D , 15 years ago !!!!! And of course DOOM from 1993
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:55 am

Just as a remark...
Pros should play with other pros... Then they will never be kicked. I mean, just imagine, you start playing... One guy is constantly killing the other team... He has 40-2 and all other players something like 1-8... This is definitely not good. Neither for the game itself nor for all players. That's why yes! Yes for a votekick! Thus, pros will never go raping on servers with noobs only...
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Anne marie
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:14 pm

Oh no !!! you are claiming for a gamers apartheid !!! that′s kinda racist !!!! what is coming next ??? white and black people servers ????? oh my god
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:28 pm

I just say, that it is annoying for a beginner to be punished by a pro... And this has nothing to do with apartheid! In every sport there are different leagues... So, please, stop talking ****!!
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katsomaya Sanchez
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