They should report immediately to consumers if Crysis 2 will have the DX11 patch.
I bought Crysis 2 because I was certain it would be a great graphic engine as Crysis and Crysis Warhead.
PC games have always had a great setting for all video play according to your hardware.
I think Crytek has made PC game like the console game and not bother with this setting has always been very important.
My dissatisfaction with this stance of Crytek does not respond on the big question about these settings and DX11 extends the upcoming games with the CryEngine 3.
Title --- Developer
Lichdom --- Xaviant
Forged by Chaos --- Panzar Studio
Nexuiz --- IllFonic
Cabal 2 --- ESTsoft
Sniper:Ghost Warrior 2 --- City Interactive
Warface --- Crytek Seoul
ArcheAge --- XLGames
And more....
Because I am afraid of even having that same big problem.