Why AI is so stupid in C2? Crytek patch it to C1 level!!!

Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:31 am

I so loved Crysis 1 for its AI, it was so impressive, NPCs was able to hear every noise, see any movement in bushes and grass, they was even able to see you in stealth mode if you was not so far away.
If you was shooting, nearby NPCs in 100-300 meter was aware of this and moving to direction of noise, and you guys know yourself how good AI was in Crysis and even in Far Cry. Also number of NPCs was limited in AREA and you was able clear them all 1 by 1.

But now its totally different story, AI completely DEAF, they cant hear you while you move behind them, then cant hear you shooting 50 meters away, AI completely blind if you you are invisible they cant see you under their noses, if you are visible, there is big chance they could not see you too, when they found body they will search you a little and soon will became calm, etc etc

This game so dumbed down, Crysis 2 lost all the realistic aspects we loved it for, its like what happened to Splinter Cell series which turned from very realistic Chaos Theory with its advanced AI, into unrealistic Conviction with its deaf, blind and stupid AI.

Something wrong happens with game industry and i dont like it. Splinter Cell for example was released back on PS2 and XBOX 1 and this did not caped down AI in game, so reason of Conviction stupid AI was not in hardware limitation, but in limitation of game designer's mind.

Same story about Crysis 2 AI, dont tell me its Console limitation, i know for sure, it isnt, that just many designers of these days think that if they do game for consoles, it must be so dumbed down, so every 3 year old retarded kid could play it without problems.

Whats wrong with you Crytek??? You guys created one of most realistic and impressive AI in Crysis 1 and you screwed it sequel that by any logic should be better in everything, but its not.

Why do you Crytek designers think that console players cant mess with such a good AI and dumbed it down?
Console game doesnt mean it should be dumbed, doesnt mean AI should be blind and deaf, and doesnt mean that it should be easy to complete!

Even if you think so about console gaming (which is big mistake of many game designer and creative directors of these days, who want to make game "accessible" for every retard, why do you think that we PC gamers, after what we got before, should accept this downscaled, degraded, downgraded peace of junky remains of what once was one the greatest game with greates AI?

It your duty now, Crytek, to undo damage to your reputation, and not in Crysis 3, you should patch current AI, make it same smart as in Crysis 1, so we could trust you again and wait for Crysis 3, otherwise why should we trust you again and wait for Crysis 3 with hope that tou will return everything of Crysis 1, if you cant even fix what you broke in Crysis 2?

People, please tell Crytek everything you noticed about downgrade of AI in for of comparison between Crysis 1 and Crysis 2, perhaps this could help them to undo what they broke.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:33 am

Crytek have fallen prey to consolization. There's nothing we can do. Crysis 1 is definitely better than Crysis 2. I miss the huge open-world levels. :(

This engine is clearly a console port. But, there's still some hope left.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:08 am

Well, clearly you're so exaggerating & wrote all this crap about the A.I., A.I. is excellent in Crysis 2, but yes it is buggy "slightly". There are times when it makes me laugh in game but there are also times when it impresses me with how good & different it is from other shooters. I even made a small video displaying a minor funny bug in the early levels on Crysis 2.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d95hk3MMT98 That obviously doesn't mean that it's "oh so stupid". It's great, though with a few bugs yes

its pretty consistently stupid throughout the game.

From cell soldiers, to ceth, to fellow marines running into a box for eternity.

terrible AI.
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Emily Jones
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:49 am

I so loved Crysis 1 for its AI, it was so impressive

Obvious troll is obvious
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:50 am

THey had to dumb down the AI and make the game linear for the consoles.

With all the advanced (for xbox) graphics going on, they really didn't leave themselves alot of compute-time left for things like AI and physics.
If this wasn't a console-designed game they could have really unleashed their CryEngine 3, but they are squeezing water out of the xbox rocks.

If the AI was any smarter the game would run at 10 FPS on the consoles.
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Lil Miss
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:24 am

Im currently playing threw crysis 1 again after getting an urge to play it after playing crysis 2.
Ai seems to be the same, i would go as far as saying that maybe I overlooked the ai first time playing crysis a few years back because of the eye candy.

My only real anoyance with the ai, is there ability to see threw stuff to spot you, usally places where they have used displacments for the geomentry.
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Jason King
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:04 pm

Hm, yes, sometimes ceph and cell run into walls, that's true, it has to be fixed.
And sometimes, I wonder why the other enemies don't turn around, when I kill their mate nearby. But I don't think that the A.I. is too bad, because the Ceph are much smarter than the CELL.

EDIT : My only real anoyance with the ai, is there ability to see threw stuff to spot you, usally places where they have used displacments for the geomentry.
I played the whole campaign now and no enemy spotted me when I was covered... o,o

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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:06 pm

this is my idea http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=17166 I hope that they fix the Ia..
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:43 pm

Well, clearly you're so exaggerating & wrote all this crap about the A.I., A.I. is excellent in Crysis 2, but yes it is buggy "slightly". There are times when it makes me laugh in game but there are also times when it impresses me with how good & different it is from other shooters. I even made a small video displaying a minor funny bug in the early levels on Crysis 2.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d95hk3MMT98 That obviously doesn't mean that it's "oh so stupid". It's great, though with a few bugs yes

its pretty consistently stupid throughout the game.

From cell soldiers, to ceth, to fellow marines running into a box for eternity.

terrible AI.
Now please take a minute to write something good about the A.I., as I'm sure you must have experienced some good A.I. behaviour as well.. because I did in my play through.. many moments in game impressed me.
My only complaint would be the difficulty of the game, For Crysis veterans it ain't difficult enough even in Post Warrior.

Something good a bout the AI at other times? The only good thing about it is the fact that i dont experience the crappy AI more than 20% of the time, but still, 20% is a lot. Other than that, the AI is NOTHING special, and its just run of the mill shoot at the player, run behind cover. rinse repeat.

only cool thing i saw was ceph guy jumping from obstacle to obstacle. Unfortunately, he just kept jumping back and forth while i was shooting at him until he finally died. Fail.
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:27 pm

THey had to dumb down the AI and make the game linear for the consoles.

With all the advanced (for xbox) graphics going on, they really didn't leave themselves alot of compute-time left for things like AI and physics.
If this wasn't a console-designed game they could have really unleashed their CryEngine 3, but they are squeezing water out of the xbox rocks.

If the AI was any smarter the game would run at 10 FPS on the consoles.

This, there is simply not enough processing power on consoles to handle graphics such as this title and deal with complex AI codes.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:14 am

I dont think that computing power is such a big problem with Cryisis 2 AI, Graphics of C2 uses GPU mostly, not CPU, and there is not such a complex physics in C2, and C1 level AI was no such a CPU hungry.

Also again - whats the problem with Crytek and other Devs? If you did dumbed AI for consoles due of possible resource limitation, its ok, but scale it up for PC which have more computing power! Who prevented them do so?
Lazyness? Timeframe for development? If you dont have enough of power to produce poperly game for 3 platforms Crytek, hire more people, lower number of platform to 2 and make a better game, instead of givine us excuses that you did not have enough of time, we dont care about time, we could actually wait up to 2012 year or even 2013, so time for development isnt really our problem and fault, its only Crytek's fault they want to get money so fast so they can release semi-finished half-broken game, that is scaled down for most inferior platform and copied for other platforms as is.

PC gamers needs patch that will upscaled AI beyond consoles limits! Do you hear it Crytek? You owe us PC gamers, Crysis 1 level AI, and we dont care about your excuses about console power and limited production time!
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:17 pm

Yeah Crytek, bring back this:



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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:49 am

Crysis 2 have much worse bugs, blind and deaf AI that dont match C1 level at all, so go away troll.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:25 pm

Crysis 2 have much worse bugs, blind and deaf AI that dont match C1 level at all, so go away troll.

"Hmm, what is this flaming barrel?"


C2 AI has its problems, but i never once encountered something as bad as that ........
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:18 pm

I have to agree with this complaint, and I'm pretty happy with the game overall - I mean, I've really enjoyed it (SP, not into Crysis MP). But the AI does seem less agressive and "intelligent" in this version. I mean there clearly times in Crysis where the AI phoned it in, but it happens much more in Crysis 2. Hopefully they will address that or make an expansion that has a more difficult level so that you really have to use the suit to its full potential.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:21 am

I encountered deaf AI few times when throwing grenades in C2. Enemies run away shouting about grenade but sometimes minority of them is completely deaf and stays unmoved near the thrown grenade.

Slightly off this topic, but I encountered also this type of funny bug... I call him "big boy", because he was staying there unmoved while I was killing the Ceph.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:50 am

Yeah Deafness and Blindness of AI, despite the bugs - is biggest problem!
I was able to Stealth kill NPC that was metter behind another, he was screaming, and fallen on floor, that was noisy - but other NPC dont react to this! I not even crouched, i was running like mad , NO FREAKING NPC CANT HEAR MY FOOTSTEPS! They also dont notice movements in bushes and grass anymore, and they only can see you in stealth mode if you are 1 meter in front of them! AI was not this blind, deaf and stupid in Crysis 1!

Also covering of AI, pathfinding and other things that worked nice in Crysis 1, now screwed in Crysis 2(
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:16 am

so, eveyone is happy about deaf and blind AI?
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:55 pm

THey had to dumb down the AI and make the game linear for the consoles.

With all the advanced (for xbox) graphics going on, they really didn't leave themselves alot of compute-time left for things like AI and physics.
If this wasn't a console-designed game they could have really unleashed their CryEngine 3, but they are squeezing water out of the xbox rocks.

If the AI was any smarter the game would run at 10 FPS on the consoles.

This, there is simply not enough processing power on consoles to handle graphics such as this title and deal with complex AI codes.

Lol go play Metal Gear 4 and come back again.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:40 am

I so loved Crysis 1 for its AI, it was so impressive, NPCs was able to hear every noise, see any movement in bushes and grass, they was even able to see you in stealth mode if you was not so far away.
If you was shooting, nearby NPCs in 100-300 meter was aware of this and moving to direction of noise, and you guys know yourself how good AI was in Crysis and even in Far Cry. Also number of NPCs was limited in AREA and you was able clear them all 1 by 1.

But now its totally different story, AI completely DEAF, they cant hear you while you move behind them, then cant hear you shooting 50 meters away, AI completely blind if you you are invisible they cant see you under their noses, if you are visible, there is big chance they could not see you too, when they found body they will search you a little and soon will became calm, etc etc

This game so dumbed down, Crysis 2 lost all the realistic aspects we loved it for, its like what happened to Splinter Cell series which turned from very realistic Chaos Theory with its advanced AI, into unrealistic Conviction with its deaf, blind and stupid AI.

Something wrong happens with game industry and i dont like it. Splinter Cell for example was released back on PS2 and XBOX 1 and this did not caped down AI in game, so reason of Conviction stupid AI was not in hardware limitation, but in limitation of game designer's mind.

Same story about Crysis 2 AI, dont tell me its Console limitation, i know for sure, it isnt, that just many designers of these days think that if they do game for consoles, it must be so dumbed down, so every 3 year old retarded kid could play it without problems.

Whats wrong with you Crytek??? You guys created one of most realistic and impressive AI in Crysis 1 and you screwed it sequel that by any logic should be better in everything, but its not.

Why do you Crytek designers think that console players cant mess with such a good AI and dumbed it down?
Console game doesnt mean it should be dumbed, doesnt mean AI should be blind and deaf, and doesnt mean that it should be easy to complete!

Even if you think so about console gaming (which is big mistake of many game designer and creative directors of these days, who want to make game "accessible" for every retard, why do you think that we PC gamers, after what we got before, should accept this downscaled, degraded, downgraded peace of junky remains of what once was one the greatest game with greates AI?

It your duty now, Crytek, to undo damage to your reputation, and not in Crysis 3, you should patch current AI, make it same smart as in Crysis 1, so we could trust you again and wait for Crysis 3, otherwise why should we trust you again and wait for Crysis 3 with hope that tou will return everything of Crysis 1, if you cant even fix what you broke in Crysis 2?

People, please tell Crytek everything you noticed about downgrade of AI in for of comparison between Crysis 1 and Crysis 2, perhaps this could help them to undo what they broke.

Were you playing on recruit? I played on normal and vet and the AI actually shot at me when i was invisible where i was going like 5 feet away. The AI is more advanced then the first one. You must be another troll who played game on recruit.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:24 am

I thought the AI worked fine besides the bugs. They notice cloaking a lot better than the first crysis and if you uncloak and cloak in front of you they will shoot in your direction instead of doing nothing.
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:21 am

Played on the hardest difficulty, and didn't really feel like the AI was much different from C1. In both cases, its not very good :P

Just a side note: In all my time in the industry I have NEVER met a LAZY developer. I'm sure the folks at Crytek spent months in crunch time (12+ hr days) leading up to the gold date.

Usually when things go wrong its because they're out of time, or money, or both.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:46 am

AI in Crysis 1 was not blind and deaf. In Crysis 2 i can stay behind the shoulder of enemy even without clock, he will not hear me, and if im clocked i can stay in front of him he will be able to see me only in range of 1 meter, and ofcourse he cannot hear me at all.
Crysis 1 was not anything like this.
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