Things that need patching on PC.

Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:14 pm

- Main menu music sometimes plays multiple times at once.

- Unlocks/progress often fail to save when leaving a multiplayer session. Always happens on disconnects/crashes/freezes and occasionally happens without these events.

- Retriever resets to 0/200 when players approach or reach 500 kills with it.

- Nanosuit Reboot resets a players stats entirely from operative status even though the game clearly states otherwise.

- Rank 50 players on the PC cannot unlock all Mystery Dog Tags.

- Limited Edition players have to unlock the Hologram attachment for a weapon other than the SCAR before the challenge is unlocked.

- EA Pre-order players are stuck with an Armor module token they cannot spend.

- Several wall breaches are possible. Very commonly abused on Skyline in two places.

- Single player attachments are listed as x/13 even though there are only 12 attachments in single player.

- The Gauss seems to have some hit detection issues, not sure of the cause.

- Sometimes weapon shadows appears on the ground even if a player has Stealth Enhance 2 or 3.

- Sometimes weapons remain uncloaked when a player is cloaked.

- Sometimes weapons remain cloaked when a player leaves cloak.

- When a player rips an HMG he is rooted in position for a few seconds although he is free to aim and fire.

- There is an HMG exploit ive PMed Cry-Tom about.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:44 pm

now this is a post that should be paid attention to. bump.

In addition, it seems the nano catalyst bug was not fixed for everyone. Also I do recall that in sempri fi or die in the initial cutscene, your fellow marines encounter some ceph and while they fire their weapons, there are no muzzle flashes.
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Post » Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:18 pm

- Main menu music sometimes plays multiple times at once.
yeah way annoying.. not only two times, i think i've heard it playing like three at once.

- Unlocks/progress often fail to save when leaving a multiplayer session. Always happens on disconnects/crashes/freezes and occasionally happens without these events.
well think they almost failed, but indeed theyre patch should have fixed it.

- Retriever resets to 0/200 when players approach or reach 500 kills with it.
maybe just second level of it? i've had the same problem, but i think i have just been blind

- Sometimes weapons remain uncloaked when a player is cloaked.
yep. flying weapon flies low to avoid radar detection

I did not undestand or see the other ones you were describing. But these are definitly there.

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Tamara Dost
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Post » Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:54 am

/target thread.
/cast Necromancy.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:31 am

Unlocks stats reset bug is have to be fixed.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:09 am

also the connection issues; account issues and the lag caused by the orbital strike
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