Hello, I am having an issue with running Crysis 2. However whenever I'm playing I get this weird bug where when I'm turning (usually happens happens when I'm turning, but sometimes when I pause too) the game will lag for around a second, and if I move the mouse the other way during this time the game will freeze up completely. sound loops a skipping like sound, graphics are locked and I can't access any part of windows or my background apps (can't alt+tab, win+D, or cntl+alt+del, my keyboard display doesn't update, ect.) Since I know these two will come up, I'll say this now: this is not a problem with overheating since my computer has been far more taxed by other games and isn't running that hot, and it is not an SLI problem because I disabled SLI to see if that was the issue. Any help you can provide would be appreciated.
Now for the question. Please don't turn this into a I hate Crysis 2 question, but what WERE the updates in CryEngine 3? I know that it has to be enhanced somehow since it has higher Sys-reqs than CryEngine 2 did with Crysis, but I don't really see it since the graphics which is what I assumed would cause it seem worse than Crysis 1. To be honest they look like Source graphics with better textures... I don't know if I'm missing something or if they're increased in the multiplayer part of the game since I can't access that, but it seems a shame that the sequel to a game that was so intense it made enthusiasts upgrade doesn't really have much going for it. I hope someone can tell me what I'm not seeing.