» Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:06 pm
I really don't know why there is a discussion 'bout Crysis to be a Console port.
Fact is : "The game is optimized to be playable at consoles."
There are so many many many things that indicate, that this game was made for consoles....
1. The "press a button to enter the game menu" thing.
It's not the point what exactly is written there. "press start to enter" or "press enter to start" rofl.... what a difference -,-
Point is.... PC only games don't have this menu overlay to be klicked away!!!!
At PC I've allready said "start the game" by double clicking at the game icon. -,-
2. There is NO pulldown menu at the game editing section.
For example switching the resolution has to be done be switching through ALL possibilites.
Normaly there would be a pull down menu to select from.
3. Savepoint system. (Svp)
Svp regards the low HD capacity of older consoles.
With Svp you can plan how much HD space is used for safegames.
At PCs you don't need this. Threre is no "gamer PC" with 20GB HD only Oo
There are some more things, like no overlays in menu (especially wepons menu), shortcuts at incoming messages or text information generally.
What most likely is owing to the fact that not everyone has a HD ready 42" TV and long text at the ingame screen would have to be smaler for not take up the whole screen, what would cause in unreadable texts at normal TVs.
Same with weapons menu overlay.
And of course.. the absence of high res. textures. This alone would kill the 512MB RAM of a XBOX 360 (What is even less than my Smartphone got.) -,-
This all indicates the console style of the game.
It feels like s.o. told you, he has got a Porsche and after you bought it, you find out that the silver shiny wheel caps and the bumper only look good from far distance, because they are only plastic with chrome painting film and the interior is plastic as well ahhh and btw...the engine is from an old Fiat... so 60mph only!
Yeah it's still driving.... but.... WTF?
We paid for a Porche and got a shiny Fiat. Thats the real WTF.
Aye! But I just tried to say people complain for various (actual) reasons. And the fanboys in denial like to dump the DX11 label on all the complaints in general. Thus, the fanboys in denial are doing most of the DX11 talk, not those who are discontent with this game. DX11 is an easy label to smack on the huge amount complaints to make them seem less serious, as it's the least critical of all the flaws.