Lost cause!

Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:34 am

Ok. After a last two weaks of suffer and sadnass I give up! I'am spend 50 Euros for the game I still can't play. My Multiplayer stats been reset more than 10 times. So now I'am back at lvl 6 :( I lost twice my savegames after I finished the campaign twice on Post-F*ckin-Human difficulty.
Most of the Time my PC just freeze when I try to go into multiplayer. Even after the 2nd patch. And I don't have freezing or CTD in other games!!!!!! JUst in this one.

So I really give up! After all that hope for a good game its sad. Its clearly visible wich part of the game comunity was the target. Sadly the PC was left behind. Greatly!

I am really sorry for you guys. Because you destroyed your reputation in two weeks!!

All I want to say is:
Dear Crytek I promise You, I will never-ever buy anything you develop or just have something to do with it!!!!!! There is a lot of other games wich deserve that money. I just hate to buy something what isn't working!!!!! Damn, I had a bad feeling all the time. But I thougt its Crytek. What can go wrong?

anyone who's feel the same, please reply. And those lucky-ones who's have no problem at all with Crysis 2 please take my congratulation.

my rig btw: core i7@ 3.8Ghz, 6Gb DDR3 1600Mhz Ram, Ati 5870 1Gb.
p.s sorry for my terrible english. But I am a slovakian.

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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:30 am

Come over to Crysis Wars dude. Its like $10. You'll feel a lot better.

If you've never seen it, look up videos on YouTube. Especially Power Struggle tutorial.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:55 am

Come over to Crysis Wars dude. Its like $10. You'll feel a lot better.

If you've never seen it, look up videos on YouTube. Especially Power Struggle tutorial.

Crysis Wars is so good that this guy hangs out trolling in the Crysis 2 forums instead of playing Wars. lol What a tool.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:30 pm

Come over to Crysis Wars dude. Its like $10. You'll feel a lot better.

If you've never seen it, look up videos on YouTube. Especially Power Struggle tutorial.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Loaded up Crysis Wars again. Looked at server browser.


Then I turned Punkbuster Only servers on


Boy sure looks like a hack free game to me *rolleyes*
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