First I would like to apologise everyone for every mistake in grammar etc I will make.
Ok, I've bought Crysis 2 like most of us in hope that this game will be awesome, user-friendly etc.
After finishing singleplayer (which is great imho, very good piece of FPS game) I went to play some MP and ...
Ye, it's not what I thought it is.
I've spent over 1 hour to launch MP, then 30 minutes to activate my limited edition feature and when I finally activated it it's not in the game.
Ok, there are only less or more 15 main weapons, hackers everywhere and most of the servers are laggy and empty.
Next thing is that Crytec or whoever is preventing people from modding this game.
Why are you doing this Crytec?
Well, I've paid 27 pounds for this game and I want to know what is going on.
Is this game going to be dead like Aliens vs Predator (2010) was ?
Thank you,