A lost customer

Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:12 am

I was considering purchasing a second copy of Crysis2 so my little brother and I could play together, however in recent events I've come to the conclusion I'm going to send back his disk to the store.

It is outrageous that such an unfinished game can be released globally. Despite the number of large patch downloads (internet in South Africa is very expensive) the amount of glitches and bugs in the game is disgusting. Particularly in multiplayer, each time he levels up in rank the next day he is reverted back down and nearly every single server has cheaters using hacks in the game.

It's a shame because I am a huge fan of the original and to see this consolised sequel be released in such aweful condition has ruined what little respected I had for EA. I understand it is not Crytek’s fault for being pressed to release on time, but what has happened cannot be patched.

I was requested to write a review on Crysis 2 for a local newspaper and in all honesty I was praising the game in every aspect except for for when it came to the glitches, multiplayer and severe lack of polish. I've been asking for assistance via emails and on Crysis Facebook page for weeks but not once has anyone from EA or Crysis responded or tried to assist me. All they keep doing is bragging about the positive reviews.

Good day, i refuse to purchase another EA game ever again... but I'm still going to play the games, out of spite.

Who here agrees with anything I have said?
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Angela Woods
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:34 am

Everything is true but we all now this by now..
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:00 pm

Sorry, but if you are a fan of the previous titles, how can you miss the fact that C2 is a corridor shooter with ridiculous A.I scattered around the streets? One of the most impressive things in C1 was the great A.I of the korean squads IMO. The SP game play is what really kills the game, while it works as a decent CoD MP game.

Edit: Funny thing, it's not the whiners (who are blamed for) talking only about GFX, it's actually the fanboys in denial.
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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:17 am

When I played the single player I actually didn't have any A.I issues, surprizingly. I've seen some videos online and it is really bad, but my experience of the single player was really enjoyable (minus the stupid "hold F to look" console bs).

Yes I'm a Crysis fanboy, but as an unbiased reviewer I cannot ignore the poor quality of the release. Some parts of the world dont get internet access which is why I hate Publishers and Developers who have the "we'll patch it later, give us your money now" attitude...
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:16 am

Well i personaly dont have any big problems with the game.
Only small problems ive had is looping sounds and me seeing peoples weapon when they are stealthed.
Cheaters i dont blame on crytek.
But i think consoles hurt alot of games for pc, cause console fps games are mostly designed to follow 1 patch and really limits your travel around the map, you can almost feel the developers telling you where to be go now, where in the old days you felt more like you were exploring something.
Console games are just easy'er and cheaper to make and majority of gamers today only talk about grafiks so its the only thing they get.

Duke nukem
Half life
I salute you for making places for no real use but i still enjoyed going those places

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noa zarfati
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Post » Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:43 pm


"If you notice the top pirated games of the last years, you notice the same trends. Spore at the top of 2008 with its heavy DRM. CoD:MW2 at 2009 with its lack of dedicated server support. It’s not difficult to imagine that many of those pirated copies were done as a punishment for the companies from people who refused to buy. The more companies insist on going against their customer’s wishes, the more those customers will refuse to deal with them and will go to the next best alternative. And this is good.

Consumers have very small bargaining power compared to the megapublishers of games. Thus by refusing to play the games at all, they punish themselves just as much. Piracy provides the alternative which makes only the companies feel the pain of their bad management and provides a miniscule advantage (in the grand scale of things) back to the consumer. And even that is usually not enough as hardcoe gamers are enough of an addict to shell their money even when they swore they wouldn’t. Thus the amazing success of MW2, even with a severely lacking multiplayer and a hostile PC community."

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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:08 pm

i refuse to purchase another EA game ever again... but I'm still going to play the games, out of spite

I found that a tad funny lol
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:20 am

i refuse to purchase another EA game ever again... but I'm still going to play the games, out of spite

I found that a tad funny lol

He spent money on it, and game companies abuse the "we cannot refund opened software merchandise for piracy reasons".
So what's funny about it? He paid for the game, it's not giving what he paid for, so he's trying to get the most out of it. It's either that or not play the game at all and just let them have the money for free.

I doubt anyone would buy it if they knew that this game had a megaton5hitload of glitches and worst of all it's the 1 and only game that does random stat wipes. Unlike console games we can't refund them. So really the only thing left for you to do is to tell your friends about staying away from this abomination. If you wanted your refund back, well you're not going to get it.
Some people said they would pirate enough games from them to cover up what they paid for this abomination, though. >_>
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:08 am

i refuse to purchase another EA game ever again... but I'm still going to play the games, out of spite

I found that a tad funny lol

He spent money on it, and game companies abuse the "we cannot refund opened software merchandise for piracy reasons".
So what's funny about it? He paid for the game, it's not giving what he paid for, so he's trying to get the most out of it. It's either that or not play the game at all and just let them have the money for free.

I doubt anyone would buy it if they knew that this game had a megaton5hitload of glitches and worst of all it's the 1 and only game that does random stat wipes. Unlike console games we can't refund them. So really the only thing left for you to do is to tell your friends about staying away from this abomination. If you wanted your refund back, well you're not going to get it.
Some people said they would pirate enough games from them to cover up what they paid for this abomination, though. >_>

I'm not being contradictory to the problems people are facing. The bugs on release day were very unfortunate, but I know of far worse releases. I followed the development of this game and also played the free demo so I knew exactly what I was in for before I parted with my money, although I wasn't aware of what glitches would be present. However I love the game for both the excellent and immersive SP campaign and the very fun thrilled MP game. I'm sorry if that doesn't sit well with some people but it's my personal opinion.

To answer your question, what I find funny about that statement is that I think it is anologous of a rock star bringing out a new album that happens to be radically different from their early stuff, and angry fans exclaiming how much they are disappointed and let down and saying that they will never buy any more of their records ever again. But they will still listen to them.... out of spite. It's a funny thing to say really.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:59 am

I was considering purchasing a second copy of Crysis2 so my little brother and I could play together, however in recent events I've come to the conclusion I'm going to send back his disk to the store.

It is outrageous that such an unfinished game can be released globally. Despite the number of large patch downloads (internet in South Africa is very expensive) the amount of glitches and bugs in the game is disgusting. Particularly in multiplayer, each time he levels up in rank the next day he is reverted back down and nearly every single server has cheaters using hacks in the game.

It's a shame because I am a huge fan of the original and to see this consolised sequel be released in such aweful condition has ruined what little respected I had for EA. I understand it is not Crytek’s fault for being pressed to release on time, but what has happened cannot be patched.

I was requested to write a review on Crysis 2 for a local newspaper and in all honesty I was praising the game in every aspect except for for when it came to the glitches, multiplayer and severe lack of polish. I've been asking for assistance via emails and on Crysis Facebook page for weeks but not once has anyone from EA or Crysis responded or tried to assist me. All they keep doing is bragging about the positive reviews.

Good day, i refuse to purchase another EA game ever again... but I'm still going to play the games, out of spite.

Who here agrees with anything I have said?

Buy two copies of Crysis Wars (around $10 each ). You'll have a much better time.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:04 am

Duke nukem
Half life
I salute you for making places for no real use but i still enjoyed going those places

Yeah, I miss all the secret doors and weird places. Especially in Doom, where I found the chainsaw, then walked into that big room with all the imps. Run and Chainsaw! FTW!

You don't see anything like Doom, Quake I, or Wolfenstein anymore. Everything's a Q3:Arena clone.

I miss those days. They were a combination of Adventure RPG and FPS.

I also wouldn't mind seeing more Ultima's made with the U7 engine.
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James Wilson
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:52 am

i refuse to purchase another EA game ever again... but I'm still going to play the games, out of spite

I found that a tad funny lol

He spent money on it, and game companies abuse the "we cannot refund opened software merchandise for piracy reasons".
So what's funny about it? He paid for the game, it's not giving what he paid for, so he's trying to get the most out of it. It's either that or not play the game at all and just let them have the money for free.

I doubt anyone would buy it if they knew that this game had a megaton5hitload of glitches and worst of all it's the 1 and only game that does random stat wipes. Unlike console games we can't refund them. So really the only thing left for you to do is to tell your friends about staying away from this abomination. If you wanted your refund back, well you're not going to get it.
Some people said they would pirate enough games from them to cover up what they paid for this abomination, though. >_>

Yeah, it took the community a good 2 years to get enough patches and kick out all the cheaters before Wars was good. Now, its great. But I think Crytek has no plans to bother with C2. Its a money making flash in the pan.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 7:49 am

I was considering purchasing a second copy of Crysis2 so my little brother and I could play together, however in recent events I've come to the conclusion I'm going to send back his disk to the store.

It is outrageous that such an unfinished game can be released globally. Despite the number of large patch downloads (internet in South Africa is very expensive) the amount of glitches and bugs in the game is disgusting. Particularly in multiplayer, each time he levels up in rank the next day he is reverted back down and nearly every single server has cheaters using hacks in the game.

It's a shame because I am a huge fan of the original and to see this consolised sequel be released in such aweful condition has ruined what little respected I had for EA. I understand it is not Crytek’s fault for being pressed to release on time, but what has happened cannot be patched.

I was requested to write a review on Crysis 2 for a local newspaper and in all honesty I was praising the game in every aspect except for for when it came to the glitches, multiplayer and severe lack of polish. I've been asking for assistance via emails and on Crysis Facebook page for weeks but not once has anyone from EA or Crysis responded or tried to assist me. All they keep doing is bragging about the positive reviews.

Good day, i refuse to purchase another EA game ever again... but I'm still going to play the games, out of spite.

Who here agrees with anything I have said?

Well, maybe stop purchasing EA games is too much. They don't sell just Crysis, if you want a good multiplayer think to Battlefield. Mass Effect, Dead Space...are just some of the good stuff they sell. The only thing we need to make this game a good game is:

1- They MUST take an eye on servers connection: some users still cannot login.
2- They MUST fix other bugs.
3- They MUST track and ban cheaters.

And then, I bought this game because I loved the Single-Player of Crysis and Crysis Warhead and I will continue the storyline with another good FPS..Multiplayer doesn't work? I played sometimes and sometimes not, but what I like in videogames is the Single-Player mode, and I bought this game for this, and I'm satisfied.
If they'll fix Multiplayer well, if not we say in Italy:"Pazienza...".
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:06 am

Buy two copies of Crysis Wars (around $10 each ). You'll have a much better time.

I'm a fan of the origional Crysis and the Battlefield Franchise (though the last battlefield i bought was 2142). So those are the only two games I will buy, but...

I was thinking of getting two copies of the Crysis Maximum Edition, I stayed away from Wars because I heard about the bugs but someone else in this thread mentioned that the patches have fixed that so I might just get it now.

As for Battlefield 3 I'm going to wait a good deal of time post release before I give a cent to EA, to see if this same BS repeats itself. If it does, I'll look for something else do do, or donate the same amount to Japan.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:10 am

Yeah, most servers have pretty good anticheat scripts made by the community. So you don't see many cheaters ever. They're kicked and banned fast. What you have to watch out for are admins turning rogue and cheating themselves. Though they're usually relieved of their admin status pretty quick by the admin group. I was playing a duel with an admin last night on Savanna who spawned a nuclear tank. But it was pretty fun since it was only him, and I had another team mate with me. Didn't do him much good when I got hold of the VTOL. :p

I wouldn't buy any new games right now. They're just being released with tons of bugs. I've learned. Wait for the fifth patch at least.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:51 am

Yeah, most servers have pretty good anticheat scripts made by the community. So you don't see many cheaters ever. They're kicked and banned fast. What you have to watch out for are admins turning rogue and cheating themselves. Though they're usually relieved of their admin status pretty quick by the admin group. I was playing a duel with an admin last night on Savanna who spawned a nuclear tank. But it was pretty fun since it was only him, and I had another team mate with me. Didn't do him much good when I got hold of the VTOL. :p

I wouldn't buy any new games right now. They're just being released with tons of bugs. I've learned. Wait for the fifth patch at least.

and at the price of Wars as it is now, Ea is hardly making anything from it so that sounds like a good plan! Thanks :D see you on line in a week or so
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Joe Alvarado
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