Is Crysis 2 a big dissapointment for the majority of pc guy

Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:32 am

Added this one to my list of total failures. I know doom3 died out fast but I really miss that style of fps MP, so sick of this Codmw style crap.

Client side hit detection.... WTF LOL
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:23 am

All the whining from everyone just seem to be about DX11 and bugs.
missing a point fanboy
I dont give a dam thing about DX11 or MP. The whole dissapointment is written in this thread please read it
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:40 pm

it is they dumbdown the game so they can get some teenage console noobs.

Actually, they made it for consolos because of piraty on the PC from Crysis 1........ so shush complaining...... If you don't like the game, go play something else and shut your mouth already.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:50 pm

yup 3 million units sold and piracy is the main problem...hmmm
Blackops was pirated 4 million times, u dont see activision biching about it
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:44 pm

All the whining from everyone just seem to be about DX11 and bugs.
missing a point fanboy
I dont give a dam thing about DX11 or MP. The whole dissapointment is written in this thread please read it
Your disappointment, not everyones.

So what did I forget to mention? Physics and AI? Sure they can be improved, but for me it doesnt matter too much as I dont spend that much time in SP to care. As for streamlining controls, thats just a good thing if you ask me, no need to make it more complicated then it needs to be. Everything about gameplay, freedom etc. is really nothing I miss from Crysis 1.

But this is just my opinion, I seriously think Crysis 2 is better then Crysis 1, if you have a different opinion then so be it, I respect that. But why is it so hard to believe that some people prefer Crysis 2 over Crysis 1? Maybe its because Im not a Crysis fanboy whos been playing Crysis 1, Warhead or Wars since their launch until now. And I had an open mind coming into this game. I was infact originally not gonna buy the game. Had it not been for me trying the MP demo and being so impressed I would probably not have bought it.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:50 am

It's not a disappointment, it's just another vision of crysis. Crysis 2 is a game released for money, for console users especialy. I can't enjoy the MP as I enjoyed with Crysis wars but I feel SP better...
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Lauren Graves
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:16 am

It's fun and runs quite well on my single 5770, but is not on the same level as the original Crysis. It's still pretty good for a console port.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:51 pm

Overall, it wasn't a disappointment for me. I found gameplay to be very solid, for example. However, there are a lot of things that piss me off (e.g. DX9, non-customizable graphics, etc.)
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:45 pm

Well, CoD doesnt have a freekin nanosuit! Adds a whole new level of tactics and **** to do. But yeah, I much prefer the smaller maps without vehicles then Crysis 1s Power Struggle, that **** was boring (to me). I also prefer the more linear maps in SP instead of the big explorable environment. Im not interested in exploring, I want to blow some **** up! If this makes it more similar to CoD then so be it, as long as the game is good. Nothing wrong with CoD, its only the best selling game. So why not take some of the good features of a best selling game?

MP in C2 is very CoD rip off, but its also much better then C1. Progression, customizable classes with perks and stuff. I also much more prefer the way we choose classes instead of picking up or buying our weapons and then having to customize them after each death.

Crysis 1 was pretty much just a benchmark for me. I played through it once, same with warhead. After that I just used it to test my rig.

All the whining from everyone just seem to be about DX11 and bugs. Both of which will be fixed. Not alot of people complaining about the gameplay itself, because they cant get themselves to play the game because its DX9 (Oh the horror!). Bugs are understandable, but no need to over react, just give it some time. The last thing is story, and sure, this I can understand that throw people off and theres nothing more I can say about this. But luckily for me I dont give a **** about the story and I have the patience to wait for DX11 and bug fixes (I dont have problems with bugs because there are workarounds for most of them), so whats left is great gameplay, yay for me!

Yep, players who are more into CoD than Crysis are likely to appreciate C2. I can see how someone likes to just run, blow **** up and watch cut-scenes. But please don't talk about "a whole new level of tactics and ****" with these corridor maps and ridiculous A.I targets spread around the roads, and C1 in one paragraph. That's what the "exploring" was, that you disregarded for benchmark and most Crysis fans are disappointed for.

Actually, you have just heard "most people complain about DX11" from some fanboy in denial. They like to shove all the complaints off like that. In fact, most complaints are exactly about game play, including the ridiculous A.I and corridor maps, right after technical problems and bugs. This is because of the disappointment of being lied about a PC game, to people expecting sequel to the realistic sandbox gameplay of C1.

It's easy to see it's the benchmark people who care more about DX11 than gameplay, not Crysis fans for what it (C1) is. But, at least we agree on C2 being Call of Nanosuit. It's up to everyone if they like it or not.
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:05 pm

On the other hand there are a lot of gamers with huge disappointments related to C2 and they are all PC users... Looking at the big picture I can say for sure that Crysis 3 will be first released for consoles and the PC version will be delayed weeks after... Maybe they are so irritated about PC users right now that they will not work at all for a Crysis 3 PC version...
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:01 am

I just bought it, and been playing pretty much non stop for 2? hours or so... I'm very happy that I bought it tbh. Having a lot of good ol' fun with this game, and the MP is awesome if you ask me.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:21 pm

But, at least we agree on C2 being Call of Nanosuit. It's up to everyone if they like it or not.
Yeah I guess.

I get your point, its not really the same game anymore. But even so, if you (and by you I mean people in general) had an open mind looking past the fact that its a sequel, the game stands well on its own. Its not a bad game, its just different from the first one. I mean all XBox player reviews I look at on Youtube are positive, this because they didnt play the first one and didnt have any expectations.

I do think that they should make a DLC or something connecting the story from Crysis 1 to Crysis 2 though.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:34 am

But, at least we agree on C2 being Call of Nanosuit. It's up to everyone if they like it or not.
Yeah I guess.

I get your point, its not really the same game anymore. But even so, if you (and by you I mean people in general) had an open mind looking past the fact that its a sequel, the game stands well on its own. Its not a bad game, its just different from the first one. I mean all XBox player reviews I look at on Youtube are positive, this because they didnt play the first one and didnt have any expectations.

I do think that they should make a DLC or something connecting the story from Crysis 1 to Crysis 2 though.

Yeah. I agree that CoD's ain't bad and C2 is much better with its nanosuit, +without the flaws of the latest CoD's. I like the MP quite a bit, though I find the SP rather appalling.

On the other hand there are a lot of gamers with huge disappointments related to C2 and they are all PC users... Looking at the big picture I can say for sure that Crysis 3 will be first released for consoles and the PC version will be delayed weeks after... Maybe they are so irritated about PC users right now that they will not work at all for a Crysis 3 PC version...

I don't think so. They knew what was coming from their former fanbase, for selling their trademark features and releasing the game in beta. All they reached for is the $$$, which was successful. What comes to PC gaming and devs true to deeper gaming experiences, someone will take Crytek's place and exploit the turning tides of PC market soon enough.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:29 pm

I totally agree. It is a big disappointment to me at least. The story is not self-consistent with Crysis. The aliens are totally different. No reason given why this is so. We are given flash backs to the earlier aliens, but given no idea why the new are different than the old.

I bought and played this game thinking there would be a tie-in to Crysis aliens and played through hoping there would be story tying in the whole alien thing. Nothing.

If there is a Crysis 3, I am not sure I would buy it. I certainly would wait and see what gamers thought of it. To me the story is everything.
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