Now, maybe im exercising too much intelligence here, but why not ban people's CD keys or IP addresses if they are caught cheating? Like maybe patch in PunkBuster or something, and if they are caught and banned on say 2 or 3 servers, make their CD key invalidated. boom. no more MP with out another one...
This is basically what happened in Halo 2 as I recall, cheating was really a big problem then Bungie started banning people from playing when they were caught cheating, and thats basically the standard now on consoles as I understand it. Why not just do this on PC? Might really bring people back to PC if cheating were so harshly punished.
I can find a cheater on almost every server I get on for Crysis 2, but in all my time on Xbox live, Ive maybe run into 4. Consoles legitimately beat PC here, so maybe PC should learn from that (yeah yeah consolization bad, but still).