» Tue May 03, 2011 11:21 am
Because Crytek Uk is ex Free Radical - studio that jumped the shark when they did crappy HAZE (remember that **** PS3 exclusive? Actually Crysis 2 turned into something like this), after which Crytek bough them for a cheap price.
Actually ex Crytek uk did one amazing game in the past - Second sight, i really loved it on PC, despited poor graphics back than, it have very well paced story, which blew my mind, but gameplay was sometime good, sometime not, but that game i believe was their best.
Another game this studio did - Time Splitters, it was allways console only shooter, so i never played it, but **** gives this series pretty good rating.
But problem is - this studio perhaps lost all their good talents that did games before HAZE FAIL, and they are most likely have bunch of interns and other 1st year employees.
So Crytek UK havent had any "better" idea, than just Copying Call of Duty stupid MP into Crysis setting. They completely forgot about Crysis 1 MP (which was much much better), and turned Crysis 2 mp into Call of Duty with cloak, armor and high jumps (and tons of bug and outbalanced levels, perks, guns and so on). So since there is no vehicles in COD, how could be any in clone of COD?)))
Crytek main studio did the same with SP, and there is also almost no vehicles, but that different story.
Anyway - vehicles is one of things that did Far Cry and Crysis SP and MP special comparing to other shooters, without vehicles Crysis is just another linear corridor shooter like any other ((