We have just had patch 2 come out for the pc,
My game ran fine with only a key bind issue with the melee
and the ( F) key to grab them for stealth kills other than that fine.
Since the New patch came out the other day my game is now crashing in the middle of a game/ at the end of a level / when you die and have to re start it either freezes / or just plain crashes totally and have to re start the game.
I am running Win7 64bit Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8400 n@2.66GHZ 2.66GHZ
4GB Ram OCZ Gold Twin matched Pairs Graphics Card ATI 4890 1GB DDR5
This game has ran faultless till this new patch came out.
Has Anyone had any of the same issues or know of a fix
Sir Chunk.