Complex story: Obviously if the story isn't a steven King masterpiece then it's so stupid console gamers can understand it, not because FPS generally have bad stories?
None linear gameplay, or not a 'corridor shooter': You know like Farcry 2, yea that game was soooo good right?
Complex controls: Because pressing a button to shoot is so console focused nowdays, all PC games make you have to manually reload all your weapons, with the reload button sequence being different for each weapon right?
AI that's smarter then humans: Who cares if nobody has managed to make a perfect AI yet, Crytek should be able to!
Yet these criteria can't be held to any of the classic PC games. Take for instance HL2
Complex Story.... Not really. Aliens come from another dimension, you shoot them in the face under orders of several different people. Occasionally a good guy turns bad and visa versa, and occasionally you shoot people in the face with other people (Gravity gun was cool)
None linear gameplay: Nope. HL2 is even more linear then Crysis 2. Even crysis 1 was a corridor shooter, just the corridor was considerably larger and had trees in it.
Complex controls: Again, HL2 has less to worry about then Crysis 2.
AI: Again worse then Crysis 2, was rather the doom style of 'run towards player'. At least crysis 2 they try to use cover and occasionally flank you.
Therefore by the gamecritic of the majority of idiots on these forums, HL2 was obviously a console port.
Note we're talking gameplay here, not graphics, it doesn't matter how old the game was, gameplay standards never change (All upgrades do is make gameplay look better).