Best Score IA/Best Streak w/o reloading/Longest streak

Post » Sat May 07, 2011 11:22 pm

meh... mediocre...

Longest kill streak: 38
Longest kill streak w/o reloading: 10
Best IA: 25-0
Longest HS streak: 11 lmao aimbot much?

screen 0f pr00f - also these are the stats before i rebootet nanosuit -__-
had 6k kills with 3.51 kd ratio and 2k headhsots meaning 1/3 of my kills were headshots :o

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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 10:28 pm

Wow nice one, I got accused of hacking today with a 25-11 on IA. Lol.

10 kills w/out reloading? Take it your spamming the Mk 60? Fail. Hate people who do that.
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 10:10 pm

Longest kill streak: 47
Longest kill streak w/o reloading: 12
Best IA: No idea what this is >.<
Longest HS streak: 3

edit: 6604 Kill, 2519 HS, K:DR @ 3.42 (i didnt know how to play at first so ive been bringing this up from a 1.10)

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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sun May 08, 2011 12:04 am

meh... mediocre...

Longest kill streak: 38
Longest kill streak w/o reloading: 10
Best IA: 25-0
Longest HS streak: 11 lmao aimbot much?

screen 0f pr00f - also these are the stats before i rebootet nanosuit -__-
had 6k kills with 3.51 kd ratio and 2k headhsots meaning 1/3 of my kills were headshots :o


ok i play 10 h lower as you and accrued 45 RANK levl not as you 50 :D and have 6k kills 2,4k headshoots best IA 25-0

and btw you played at start 70% people havnt high rank and i must play with high rank players if you don't believe you can see my xfire profile

i make screen from all my ranks and with who i play you can see there best players at second place!

screens :

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Flesh Tunnel
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Post » Sat May 07, 2011 9:22 pm

Longest kill streak: 152 (in a capture the crash site 4vs4 game on skyline with energy transfer lvl 3, standing on the top of the roof with the HMG i got most of the kills)
Longest kill streak w/o reloading: 39 (on skyline with sniper, 90% of them were melee)
Best IA: 28-0 (i killed 4 people with a grenade at 24 kills)
Longest HS streak: 27 (using the sniper rifle)
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