the two main one that plague me and alot of users are
1.) Incorrect login details
2.) Connection to host failed
3.) Cannot connect to multiplayer, please check your network connection
The thing that upsets me most is that sometimes the game will connect absolutely fine (great ping and all) and run great for hours on end. Then i log off leave do my stuff and when i want to play Crysis 2 MP again i get these errors. CLEARLY my network is perfectly capable of running the game When the game chooses to connect me through.
Do this and you would have finally delivered what i paid for 2 weeks ago.... Crysis 2!
(Just to prevent this thread from getting derailed, I DO NOT HACK! i am a level 27 player with a very low 1.28 K/D ratio so don't come at me with the "Oh its cause you hack" stuff.)