Looks like I pushed the fanboy button there. No drivers fried anyones cards so just stfu... Go play fanboy on an ATI forum, not here asshole.
Actually quite a few cards got burnt out, it was a pretty big deal back in 2010 when it happened. However it was dealt with pretty quickly.
Regardless, who cares? Both companies have had good and bad drivers. Plus both have very competitive cards at the moment

I'm not sure about the 6000 series cards, but if tesselation is used for DX11, NVIDIA will notice a significantly higher framerate than the 5000 series. Just look up results from the Unigine bench.
It'll depend on how much tessellation is used. I'd rather them go all out though, even though i'm on a hd5870. if i can't run it, so what? gives me something to look forward to when i upgrade.