Personally, I think that Crytek can't compete right now from a graphics standpoint compared to other games right now that has implemented the advanced features. Naturally, the better coded DX11 games can blow Crysis 2 right out of the water in terms of technical details and clarity which they do not have yet. Advanced features such as multi-threading GPU processes and other techniques that were in for example Civilization 5 is mindblowing superior right now in terms of any DX11 implementation so getting a DX11 implementation, I am expecting something superior to that. Plus, they have some work to do in terms of giving us:
-Better textures (and POM)
-More breakable trees & objects
-More physical objects
-Use more shader on material
-Replace poor models in the game such as the marines
These things that aren't change in DX11 would by far make the game a lot better and erase the *ahem* PC launch game *ahem* that was given to us. 64-bit .exe and other features such as advanced graphical options would be a must in order to try and fine tune out the game's graphical features and to push performance. I don't know how the game reviewers will accept this because although some of did benchmark Crysis 2, they have not added the game for obvious reasons. I also am doubting the longevity of the game due to the fact that there exists no modding and any way we had to try out the modding is now locked out. The campaign's replayability is also questionable compared to Crysis 1's campaign so it may not last as long to give people incentive to care when it releases. So it could mean in the end that when they do push these things out, no one would care and it would get looked over. So what do you guys think?