We need the following:
(a) dedicated administrator slots; two (2) just for admins and separate from slots for game play.
(b) tools to catch and weed hacks that are cutting edge:
(1) Easy GUI in game interface for dedicated admin spectator mode to Kick and Ban: Set these up like you do with HUD info;
(2) Calculators: Stealth, armor, speed, and ammo run at predetermine rates; we need a calculator on screen GUI in administrator to compare, track, and Mother of All Kicks. A calculator for each hackable mode is best; a GUI HUD calculator for Stealth power attrition, armor, speed and ammo would work. So when a hack is consistently out of parameters: Atomic ban please. In fact, give us a in game atomic script when banning, like a mushroom cloud in game with text to explain, to reinforce the extreme prejudice.
(3) We need views, the Mother of All views:
(a) we need a follow a individual player view,
(B) player view, we see what he sees,
(c) and a dedicated camera view that can go anywhere we want ( see Counter Strike).
If you give us these things; we can do the rest and validate and legitimize multiplayer.
Ultimate Fun