I enjoyed the sp game except for the issues I had with it. It was still a good game. Multiplayer is fun but it seems to be COD knock off to a point. Small maps for run and gun. I miss the big mp maps that you could fly vtols and drive tanks on.
I had a few issues with the game but these were the biggest.
Issue 2 with Crysis 2
The suit has been completely overhauled and **** up beyond belief by crytek. Crytek tossed out strength and speed mode in a way. Holding shift lets you into super slow speed mode as I call it. Its no faster then the cod bo sprint, and it uses so much energy for that slow ass run. It's better to walk then run in sp and mp. Strength mode is no longer a selectable instead you hold space bar to get your super jump, and you hold and charge your melee button strength mode hits.
Armor mode isn't passive like it use to be, and just being in that mode drains energy. Playing the game I had a hard time transitioning to the new style of suit mechanics. I would forget that armor wasn't passive anymore nor recharge my energy so I was dying a lot in sp and mp. In previous crysis games armor mode was your recharge mode, and stepping stone mode for the other modes. Crytek really butchered this mode. Stealth imo is the same as the other games.
Nanovision, just a fancy name for thermal vision. It does a few things thou, you can see clocked people, footsteps, and some other stuff with suit perks. It's a nice add to the game, I just wish it used a 1/3 less energy then it did. Being in armor/stealth mode, and having nanovision on, would drain all your energy in a few seconds.
The suit perk addons. It would have been nice to have perks like this in the Crysis and Wars. You have four suit slots for additional suit power upgrades, four different perks for each slot. You unlock them by getting points. I don't know what all upgrade are yet but I did't see any bonus from having them, maybe a glitch? One perk I bought didn't seem to work at all. I saved up 8000 points to get a upgrade for a faster energy and health recharger. I saw no improvement in recharge time, I even used a stopwatch to test it.
How to get points: After you kill an alien which are called Ceph in the game, they drop Crysis points (not sure if that's the name)it looks like a swarm of flies flying in a ball where the alien/Ceph died, you have to walk over it to get the points.
Overall I feel that suit energy drains faster in this game then the other games. I don't like how crytek messed up armor and speed mode. They should have left the modes alone imo. Because of the mode changes I had a hard time getting use to the timings on everything.
Like I said before, a new name for the suit and a different suit look would have made this a different game.
Issue 1 with Crysis 2
The aliens from Crysis and Wars are not even in the game! Instead they have some new ones that don't even come close to looking like the old ones, and imo looks like knocks off's from Halo, and Duke Nuke'em. Hell there were a few times in the sp that I thought I was playing those games. The new aliens look so much different then the old ones, the weapons are different, and it really throws off the game story because of it. No where in the story was there an explanation for the new aliens. The new aliens killed it for me, it felt like I was playing a different game,that I was playing a crysis and cod rip off. I could go on about it, but I won't.
Saber's game review score:
8/10 for being a good game
1/10 for having the title Crysis 2