Leaving the game

Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:25 pm


Just a general heads up to whomever's administrative duty it is to read these forums.

I'm out.

Yesterday Crysis 2 wasn't so bad. I'm not great but fun was to be had here and there. Today? I encounter no less than four different cheaters on four separate servers, or so I believe. Either that or they have reflexes from God and run the risk of ripping apart something critical if they're not careful during 'alone time'.

I've looked around, done some reading into the cheating problem and have seen no hint of reporting possibilities or updates. What I have seen is several dozen videos of cheaters in Crysis 2 on Youtube and other various streaming media pages...and then I stumbled across This

AAannnnd I'm out.

Oh sure, I doubt anyone will give a damn; you already have my money, it's more a formal thing for my own peace of mind.

I remain, as always,

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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:48 pm

Thanks for holding a press conference.
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