Do pc gamers really have the right to complain?

Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:48 pm

From what I understand many gamers pirate software to see if it's worth buying.

Food for thought.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:37 am

From what I understand many gamers pirate software to see if it's worth buying.

Food for thought.

Agree ( and I should have made the same move before I bought this game ).

Anyways. Just so everyone knows ( for those do not know ) Xbox3sh*tty are full of Pirated games. If you come to my Country buying Xbox3sh*tty games are like buying candies in a store they're like every where.
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:34 am

From what I understand many gamers pirate software to see if it's worth buying.

Food for thought.

That's just the rationalization they use so they don't have to admit to themselves the truth that they're simply dirty thieves.

There's alot of ways to find out about a game that don't involve being a douchebag thief. I know people who DL cracked games and they don't actually own many games at ALL. Most pirates just download it, play it though and never buy it.

Sounds like you're just trying to lie to yourself buddy.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:03 am

From what I understand many gamers pirate software to see if it's worth buying.

Food for thought.

That's just the rationalization they use so they don't have to admit to themselves the truth that they're simply dirty thieves.

There's alot of ways to find out about a game that don't involve being a douchebag thief. I know people who DL cracked games and they don't actually own many games at ALL. Most pirates just download it, play it though and never buy it.

Sounds like you're just trying to lie to yourself buddy.

If you say so buddy.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:27 am

I have NEVER pirated a PC game... I bought all 3 Crysis games, and now I am kinda regretting buying Crysis 2 at launch.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:50 pm

I have NEVER pirated a PC game... I bought all 3 Crysis games, and now I am kinda regretting buying Crysis 2 at launch.

And yet despite your lack of enjoyment for the product, you've already handed 60 dollars over to them. And as long as that is done, your power as a consumer is greatly diminished.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:16 pm

I was also looking forward to Dragon Age II, but after trying the demo and seeing the reviews, I decided not to buy it... It's also from EA.

I bought Crysis 2, because... Well, it's Crysis! I was not disappointed with the SP or the MP overall, just disappointed in how everything was dumbed down for the consoles.
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:28 am

Anyone who exchanges money for a good or service is entitled to complain when they are not satisfied with the transaction. Whether their complaints are warranted can be debatable but the right is still theirs. That being said, and under the suspicion that the original post is in fact a lame trolling attempt, I think that most of the complaints about Crysis 2 are overblown or completely unfounded. The game is very fun, looks great, and will be even better when the PC only DX11 patch comes out.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:10 am

They go, and they go multiplatform. because you go, and then you pirate the game.
Then when they go, and make multiplatform, you very angry about it. Even though lots stole game. Like they not allowed to make moneys.

We all knows consoles are big inferior for children. Howevers, when they go, and they go and buy game, and then Crytek go and makes more moneys. How comes you go, and go and say, Crytek bad!

Reallys, pc gamers no rights.
Most companys, include the Cryteks, don't care. Minority buy, rest go, and go, and go and steal game.
Learn about piracy.
Learn about the effect piracy really has on sales.
Learn what PC gaming is about.
Learn the effect that consoles have had on PC gaming.
Come back when you've got something, until then, stay in your ignorant corner with your thumbstick.
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Wayne W
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:06 am

They did hype about **** they would not deliver. What's the problem? What's the point, OP? Why do you care?

Those that care about maximum gaming make a PC version, those that don't make a multiplat. Simple as that.
Did you just type the first knee-jerk reaction you had?

Who came up with this business defining mantra? Oh, you did. Ignoring the fact real business owners and game developers actually know how to conduct business.. Lets talk about your contradiction. You say "Maximum gaming" would only be the outcome if they strictly made it a PC version and not a "multiplat?" Why would you say that when "multiplat" stands for multiple platforms? Meaning, multiple areas with multiple more users per platform. When PC gaming is also easily at the bottom of the gaming food chain as well. This is supported by multiple facts... User count statistics, annual copies sold, and other annual revenue.

Why would maximum gaming not be the exact OPPOSITE of what you said? Where those that care about maximum gaming be the ones that reach ALL the gamers on any technological platform? Making the biggest impact possible.

@Anyone else that's mistaken. Console games sell astronomically better than PC games do. They always have because they are so easier to access and play. You might search the net and find a scenario where the PC counterpart sold more. I would love to know when and where and the timeline. Please, prove me wrong.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:40 pm

Talk about missing the point, you imbecile. He's not saying that PC games would sell better. He's saying they would BE better.

Just because console games sell more doesn't make them better. Mcdonalds sells billions of dollars worth of their garbage daily and most people enjoy top40 music. The general public has no idea what's good or not, they'll just buy what they're told is good.

**** sheep.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:16 am

Talk about missing the point, you imbecile. He's not saying that PC games would sell better. He's saying they would BE better.

Just because console games sell more doesn't make them better. Mcdonalds sells billions of dollars worth of their garbage daily and most people enjoy top40 music. The general public has no idea what's good or not, they'll just buy what they're told is good.

**** sheep.
This isn't a case of mind-control. It's a case of accessibility and personal enjoyment. I made that clear in my post. I was showing how his post was contradicting himself. Try to follow before you go on a personal rant and make an inapplicable anology.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:57 pm

I go, you go, the bastard across the street go

and don't forget people that many game stores don't accept return for opened PC games, unlike console games, which you can practically rent for free by playing and returning them by the end of the week.

PS. (off-topic) To the guys who talked about welfare, i thought France has the best welfare in the world, but i m not sure........, and isn't most of US tax is used on military instead public facilities?
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kristy dunn
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:47 am

First point of business... Gaming Better on PC (or at least should be)

Xbox 360 released 2005, PS3 released 2006... Gaming hardware is an antique technologically speaking as half a decade would essentially confirm. The hardware these consoles are running on is at least 3 generations 3-5 generations old. You know about Atari? That's cuz thats at most 1 generation old... and yet its still an antique... Sorry Consolers... you really should be consoled because ur console should be buried in a grave somewhere...

But its not... why?

Because game developers realize they can save money by putting out cheaply developed games running on ancient engines that won't tax the hardware of your obsolete consoles... and they do just that... Why is the UT3 engine still kicking around? oh thats right, because consoles would not be able to run a newly developed engine... CASE IN POINT: THIS GAME RIGHT HERE, CRYSIS 2... Cryengine 3... A consoler may say this engine is amazing, revolutionary, an intense improvement on engines presently out for CONSOLES... PC Gamers know better... it pales in comparison to the Cryengine 2... at least thats what we've only been allowed to see so far since they are lagging behind on the DX11 development...

The song goes "video killed the radio star"... Consoling is killing gaming

You however say Piracy is killing gaming... lets address this issue
Presently even consoles can be hacked or modded to run pirated games... So why do PC gamers get all the heat for it... Oh, I forgot, its easier on PC because PC piracy is completely free where as Console piracy means a consumer still gotta buy a game... Sounds like Consolers are just bitter at the ease at which PC gamers can pirate... beside the point... Piracy happens on all platforms, why do PC gamers have to suffer alone? And why do we have to suffer like we are all guilty of piracy... What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? ... The approach taken by developers like EA is that all PC gamers are guilty until proven innocent, and that innocence will be proven when the pay upfront for a game that is at most half completed...

Yes we have a right to complain... Just as anyone who was promised something, relied on that promise, and suffered some detriment from reliance on that promise... I am like many of the others on this forum who ACTUALLY BOUGHT this game going on all the media that they had been slinging about this game... Like many others, I LOVED Crysis... LOVED Warhead... but when I heard about this game being released on console, I gasped in sheer disappointment. My first thought was that here comes another port... but Crytek assured us the PC was completely separated development... LIES... what we got was indeed another port which hardly lives up to the name of Crysis...

To all you consolers... congrats... you got a great game that fits your poorly limited hardware as well as your poorly limited mind... please realize if you all started to demand more, there would already be an Xbox 720 or a PS4... but you are satisfied with your limitations... Excuses us PC gamers for not compromising our standards in such a passive way... NO!! instead we will tell a company when they have disappointed us.... Especially when we were their audience, and may I remind you, their ONLY audience as Crysis and Warhead were PC EXCLUSIVES!!!... but we shared em with you consolers... we showed you what gaming could be like, and you desired what we had... you demanded what we had... and you were given sadly a product that you believe is what we had... but sadly, it is less than what we had... we're glad we still have what we had *crysis and warhead) but we are still waiting for what we were promised... what we should HAVE.... and what you consolers will NEVER HAVE until the next console war...

Oh, and one last note... All your console games are developed on PCs with hardware far superior... so a question is raised as to why pay for such a system if its not even being used to its potential to create a game...

And as for people who can't write english, please do not reply to this as you most likely have misread everything written and thus would be replying ignorantly...

Oh, and the wii was excluded in this argument simply because its got horribly limited graphics hardware... and yet its still a tonne of fun to play... ingenuity and innovation... keeps nintendo kicking... wish more game developers adopted that model...
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:49 am

I bought a WII but I hate it most of the time........except games like mario galaxy and monster hunter

I would have to agree with what KaptainKool said on WRPG and FPS side of the spectrum. I hate how both genres are being bastardized by consoles, and the console gamepad, something is just better played by K/M (I can't even imagine how to play RTS in console seriously), but I wouldn't agree with genres like JRPG or SRPG and the like (using PC control on menu ridden game is just weird).

Nonetheless, most games are going to console, cause of all the money they can earn by going multiplat.

BTW I almost give up on PC gaming cause of the DRM, it's like game publishers hate PC gamers, funny that I should be punished just because some guy is a pirate, it's not like said pirate is ever going to buy any legitimate game.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:28 am

They go, and they go multiplatform. because you go, and then you pirate the game.
Then when they go, and make multiplatform, you very angry about it. Even though lots stole game. Like they not allowed to make moneys.

I don't steal my games. I pay for full end user licenses for myself. Thanks for making the assumption though, jerk.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:27 pm

"I can are go learns speaks english..."
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Markie Mark
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:11 pm

PC gamers do have the right to complain. If piracy is hurting PC gaming (which it is, unfortunately) then a simultaneous release on multiple platforms makes a lot of sense. However, that's no reason to alienate the fans who would willingly buy the game. Keep in mind that the PC gaming industry makes a lot of money every year, despite all the piracy out there. Making a groundbreaking PC game also generates lots and lots of awe, which is always a good idea. Especially if it doesn't alienate those who don't have awesome gaming rigs.

The bottom line is that you don't alienate your loyal customers. Piracy is no reason to stop supporting the platform, especially if it's the most advanced and most capable platform of all. If you want the extra money, develop for all three platforms at the same time (like Crytek said they did with Crysis 2). I'm appalled by the fact that many companies simply stopped making PC games when the Xbox 360 came out.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:02 pm

They go, and they go multiplatform. because you go, and then you pirate the game.
Then when they go, and make multiplatform, you very angry about it. Even though lots stole game. Like they not allowed to make moneys.

We all knows consoles are big inferior for children. Howevers, when they go, and they go and buy game, and then Crytek go and makes more moneys. How comes you go, and go and say, Crytek bad!

Reallys, pc gamers no rights.
Most companys, include the Cryteks, don't care. Minority buy, rest go, and go, and go and steal game.
Here is where you are wrong. I am happy Crytek is making a booty. I am unhappy for them delivering a game riddled with issues.
Besides, most people who complain are legitimate costumers.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:04 am

What you also forget is that a lot of the piracy on the PC is of people checking out a game or people who have problem with the DRM of their legal game. So by far all pirated downloads would else be sales. Most people who really like a game buy it. Games they would not buy but wanna check out anyway they pirate. There are just more people playing games on consoles. That’s why those games sell better. Not because of the PC-piracy.

Another thing about PC games is that it should be the high end of the marked. Just like the R8 for Audi. They might not directly make a lot of money on those products because they don't sell as many but they give the company a good name and so sell more lower-end products (console-games) and so they can go and go and go making more money.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:42 pm

I never understood this pc pirate thing. I work in a huge factory with thousands of employees and piracy is rife. However i never see any pirated pc games. its all xbox/360, ds and some ps3 games.

But obviously the console pirated games dont use cdkeys so simply show up as legit copies. so dont assume its only pc gamers that pirate.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:18 am

Learn to type English correctly for goodness sake.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:58 pm

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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:04 pm

So... where do we go from here?
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:40 am

Why do u guys even bother with obvius trools like that guy, you just sunk to his level.
There is an expression: fighting with stupid people is a fruitless effort, they will set u to their level and won with experiance.
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