I had tolerated the frustrating loss of purchases and information that had plagued me along with everyone else playing crysis 2, but this was too much. This is what I expect when I'm playing a beta test, not a 110 dollar game. So I go try find crysis 2 support. It tells me I have to use EA support, which I groan at because I know relying on EA is about as clever as giving a child a rifle. So I try log in to EA customer support, with the EXACT information I use for crysis 2, as it asks for my SCREEN NAME. It says invalid info. I scream in frustration. So i have EA email me my screenname. 10 minutes later there is still no email in my inbox. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?!?!?!??!ONE. Do you see why this is a nightmare to me? I lose all my stats, I cannot log in to Electronic **** because of nothing, and there is no way I can get all I lost back. In fact, I'm being naive to even believe EA will do **** about this. They will just tell me 'they are working on fixing it'. This is total ****.
I want my goddamn KDR back, Crytek. Releasing a game with this broken is completely greedy and irresponsible. Beta test for god sake. Crysis 2 has made me want to kill myself several times over from frustration. I wish I could sue for my 110 dollars back.