Yes they should of put their foot down and said screw you were going to finish it but they didn't and this is the result page after page of complaints.
The problem with large publishers like EA is if they want something done developers are to scared to stand up to them so when told to jump they say how high. The whole multi gpu issue is annoying but after having multi gpu based systems for as far back as a 7950gx2 i expect some issues i can accept that. What i can't forgive is the game breaking bug in semper fi or die where the marines i meet up with keep shoutin at me to move up even after i'd left them way back in the level and then later in the same part of the game at the end of it i find ai characters in the ground with scars sticking out shooting at a cliff face which had the ememies in who were shooting energy weapons at me that is a disgrace.
Crytek peeps i blame EA more than you but you need to understand that what should of been my game of the year bar none has been THE worst gaming experience i have ever had. I still havent finished the game because i'm sick of the flashing it hurts my eyes after a while. I've uninstalled the game and started playing mass effect 2 again i might try it again in a few months by then the game probably would of dropped in price to around £15-£20 and i paid more than that you need to make this right by never having the cheek to charge for DLC for this game.