» Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:48 am
Sorry, but when the killcam shows that not only was I firing on target correctly, but the bullet tracker you guys run show I was HITTING you, I get a bit suspicious. 30 shots to your chest (Bullet tracker shows the bullets going directly through/just under the camera, not next to, not over) and you don't die but then you turn around and kill me with an automatic headshot? Gotta admit it's on the "WTF" side of life. Or when I the killcam shows someone moving literally twice as fast as I can while sprinting (Non armor mode, I know armor mode slows you down) then I get a bit suspicious since I have yet to find an armor module that doubles your running speed. Or when some guy pulls a headshot with a sniper rifle on me across a map.....while I'm cloaked. All of that's happened. In fact, all of that happened yesterday. Then I get called a forum troll, with less than ten posts, because I get suspicious when people do this crap. Just remember, you were a "Noob" once too, much as you all hate to admit it. No one was born knowing how to play video games, no one was born knowing game strategies. But of course you'll deny it and flame me, because your egos can't handle not being the biggest a$$hat on the block.
When i started Crysis 2 mp my kdr was **** for the first 20lvls only after that was I able to pull it to 1.4(yae I'm not that good, but people still call me a hacker??) but as a lower lvl I never accused players of hacking when they raqed me, I blamed it on latency and luck (hahaha:P) unless ofcourse it was clear that they were hacking(Ownage_666 you **** with clear aimbot hacks). So it's not nOOb to be bad at a game, it's nOOb to insult people who are better than you.