Perhaps you all can help me - I'm trying to compile a list of all the information on the dragon break so that I may draw my own conclusions on what happened. I already know the gist of what occurred on that fateful Frostfall day but would like to know more about the nature of this phenomenon, so if you could all help me compile a list of books on the subject I would greatly appreciate it. All instances of Dragon Breaks are fine, they need not all be related to the Warp In the West. Thanks to all who help!
I've already got The Warp in the West and The Dragon Break Re-Examined so lets go from there...
I - The Warp in the West
II - The Dragon Break Re-Examined
III - ???
IV - ???
V - ???
You get the picture... Thanks again to all who contribute!
EDIT: Also, I'll fill in the blank spots as we go along.