I don't think I've ever seen somebody say AI is fine on console. If you aren't playing Versus, then friendly AI are like elderly from an old folks home on a field trip and enemy AI are all aim-botting headshot machines. Seems to be the same on all.
It's not MY thought, I'd be perfectly happy for you PC guys to get a better game. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's just I imagine SD would probably take some slandering for blatantly releasing a superior and more deep version for PC at what is really a cheaper retail price, which is probably not what they want considering how they've been making it very clear than they've divided attention and effort equally amongst all platforms. And the fact that the game already seems to push consoles to their boundaries leads me to believe hue options were cut if they did exist, seeing as there are some colours in screenshots and in the official gallery that aren't in the retail game. Again, I'm sure PC could handle it, but SD weren't aiming for a huge divide between platforms. I imagine they're leaving it up to the community and the SDK to take the game further on PC.
If I wasn't an unemployed student, believe me, I would dedicate the time and money to build a gaming rig. As it stands, PS3 is just a considerably cheaper and more hassle-free alternative, combined with the fact that Playstation's been a part of my life since I was just a little kid. And I don't see why you believe I "gobble up goop" from developers. It seems you're implying I'm just another CoD fan boy and I'm contributing to the deterioration of a genre, just because I'm a console gamer? I actually started playing FPS games on PC with offline BF Vietnam and 2142, I know that a PC FPS experience is better... but I just don't have the cash for that, or the time to get it.
And no, I don't want a cookie. I was just trying to make sure you knew I don't apply to your sweeping generalisation.
Maybe it was just a few people over on the SD forums trolling then, but all the threads I saw had people arguing both ways.
Still, doesn't this bring up the point of consolized games holding back the true potential? We've seen instances of gimped games over and over again for consoles. Everything from the horrendous lobby systems from XBL being forced on CoD:MW2 (on PC) to drastic graphical, user interface, and gamplay changes made just so a game can be ported. This is one of those instances where I say the console manufacturers need to either shape up or ship out, and the same goes for developers. By basing your games development of what a 5-6 year old console can do, you're ultimately limiting the progression of the gaming industry. It's not even about "is it fair?", it's more about "does it improve upon the old?". The only real improvements over the old that this game has really provided so far is a much needed fresh idea in the art department and the entire S.M.A.R.T. system. Other than that, it's a generic team based shooter with a snazzy user interface. Also, going back to comparing to CoD:MW (I know, it gets old, and it's pretty obvious that you're most likely not a huge fan of it being a BFbro as it seems), in that game you can customize (to an extent) the look of your weapon beyond attachments with other color patterns. I know it doesn't sound like much, but even adding that into this game would help in making it feel more powerful in the way of customization.
As for building a gaming PC, it's getting cheaper each month thanks to how quickly stuff is moving forward. Yeah, still more expensive than console, but nowhere near as bad as it was back in the days of Battlefield: Vietnam up through Battlefield 2. Might wanna check the prices if you haven't lately. I'd say you could build a really good rig to play a game like this for about 1k. May be salty, but it's better than what it was in the past and the community and mods will "pay it off" so to speak, not to mention the longer shelf life and the amazing Steam/Gamers Gate/GoG sales.
You sure you don't want a cookie? Home made chocolate chip ^_^
FYI: I bring up CoD so much because I used to play it a lot, all the way from the start up through CoD:MW, at which point Activision kind of screwed the series over and has been doing so ever since. It's just a good example of what greed and unwillingness to innovate does to a game and the industry as a whole.
MOST (not all) console shooters have a built-in aim assist which makes the crosshair "sort of" predict where you want it to go when you're pointing it towards an enemy. Killzone didn't, Killzone 2 didn't until about halfway through the beta, and I'm not sure whether any aim assist ever made it into the release version. Brink has this form of aim assist, but it's not a particularly invasive example of it, so most players won't notice it's there, and removing it would only make less careful players think they got worse at aiming. Some games have far harsher forced aim assists, which will "snap" you onto the target if you tap the stick in the right direction when they're near the crosshairs.
Most (again, not all) console shooters have a toggle-able aim assist which will track a target to some extent once you have them in your sights. This is also the case in Brink, but this function is far more noticeable - especially when someone runs in front of you, causing your view to turn without any player input.
I have noticed it too, my buddy was playing Black Ops and told me to try it out. Asked him if aim assist was on and he said, and I quote "I don't use that p**** a** s***". Yet when I played it it felt like it was still on. Maybe it's just the CoD and Halo games, but it seems like it's kinda forced. I remember Killzone on the PS2, definately didn't have aim assist, took a lot of skill. Personally, I can't stand it, it makes it feel like the game is just giving you kills for playing >almost< good.
This thread almost had some merit to it before the TC decided to turn on the flame. Real hard to take a thread seriously when all you do is get defensive when people (of which have been the majority in this thread) make counter points to your initial post. Not exactly supporting your statements. In fact, you making people oppose them from your less then "social" demeanor.
What flame? Having a discussion is considered flame now? Seems as though you're the one that has some issues regarding understanding how forums operate. In a discussion both sides offer points and counter points repeatedly until something comes of it, you could I guess call it "forum politics".