So because a child always wants McDonalds we should just always give him McDonalds?
I agree 100%! While I know gaming is a business, but at the same time many of us consider it an art form. So if you look at it from that stand point, if Leonardo wanted to paint the Mona Lisa a different way, than that was his choice. Sure it may not have been as popular (maybe not at all), but that was his choice. The developers made it clear before the game came out that they didn't want DM/TDM or people only concerned with k/d. So shouldn't the developer get to make the game that they want to make? I have talked to so many people who knew that it wasn't going to include those things, bought it, then complained about it not having them b/c they hoped they would still be good at it. When they tried to play it like CoD (which I hate to bring up) they failed, so they complained. In reality they should have just rented it first, so many games wouldn't be bashed if people didn't pre-order. People are strapped for cash these days, when they buy something then don't like it they blame others when they need to take responsibilty. Yes you take the risk of beating a game during the rental, but honestly if it that's short or something you aren't into, you should be glad you only had to spend $5 instead of $60.
If every game just went around throwing options around, one it would take forever, two every game would be alike. Just like MW3 and Battlefield 3 both being released within 1 week of each other. Who wants 2 games almost exactly the same at the same time? It's hard enough to make an original game these days without having to cater to the masses. That's the same reason why they're trying to implement MP in Mass Effect which is the dumbest idea ever.
I do understand the "toxic" point. However, it's b/c most ppl are just bashing b/c they want something different than what Brink is, when they should be playing another game that's great, but needs more ppl. There's not going to be TDM/DM or K/D so people should just stop asking, they didn't want it in the game. They wanted to avoid having all the types of players who just run around going I'm better than you b/c my stats says so

Also in other games like CoD where they have objective base modes, TDM/DM ppl still play and take advantage of the fact that ppl are focusing on objectives, to raise thier stats.
If they took out all objectives and added perks like commando, ninja and marathon that'd be awesumzz.
That's what I mean/hate! They already have a game that includes all of that, it's called CoD. I don't want Brink: The Call of Duty Edition. That's not trying to make Brink better at all, it's just wanting a different game all together, which is what you should be playing. Which is fine, once in awhile I don't mind playing some DM of some kind, which is why I own other games. They make many different games for a reason, b/c ppl don't wanna play the same games over and over.