9 workout pills?! Do you even need that many?! Some pre-workout whey and post-workout casein is enough, man. If you're really bulking up then you might add Creatin (though I personally wouldn't recommend it) and some Glutamin, but that's only if you're planning on becoming a professional body builder or something. The protein supplements in addition to a balanced diet is pretty much all you need.
The pump lasts longer and it's a slow releasing matrix which helps you get through longer workouts. It comes in 9 pills per packet.
Although now (as in, from this week) I started using http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/univ/shock.html, which gives you a kick. Really puts me in focus and helps me push more reps. It comes in powder form. I don't plan to become a professional BBer, however I do plan to become big. http://imagecdn.bodybuilding.com/img/user_images/growable/2009/03/26/515905/profilepic/3875482orig.jpg. Small picture but you get the idea. Hopefully with bigger legs.
My supplements:
Vit C
Multivits (I would take these 2 regardless if I work out or not)
Whey protein
Preworkout booster
I love trying out new supplements every couple of months. These last me for 3 months or so.
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